April is a great time of the year for a number of reasons; the weather starts to get better, the sun sets later, and we're one month closer to the end of the school year (woohoo!). You know what else makes this month awesome? There is certainly no shortage of April scholarships to apply for throughout the month.
Similar to March, there's an abundance of scholarships that expire on April 1st. I know what you're thinking...is this some sort of April fool's joke? Well, I am here to tell you that this is no joke folks - there are more than a few April scholarships expiring on the first day of this month! Make sure you start early with those apps so you don't miss out on all of the great opportunities.
With all of that done and covered, let's move onto the good stuff, aka, our list of over 30 scholarships to apply for this April!
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: April 30
Eligibility: Open to high school seniors and undergraduate students in the US.
Amount: $25,000
Deadline: May 31
Eligibility: Open to high school and college students who are US residents. No essay required!
Amount: Varies, but it's usually between $1,000 and $2,500!
Deadline: April 30
Eligibility: Open to high school, college, and graduate students in the US.
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: April 30
Eligibility: Open to all students 13 and older!
Amount: $25,000
Deadline: April 30
Eligibility: Open to high juniors and seniors as well as college students interested in applying to graduate school.
Amount: $50,000 total ($1,000 x 4 awards per month)
Deadline: April 30
Eligibility: Open to students ages 13 and older. All you need to do to apply is create an account.
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: April 30
Eligibility: Open to high school juniors and seniors interested in attending a Christian college or university.
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: April 1
Eligibility: 10 scholarships available, open to graduating high school seniors (US residents) who have been leaders in the fight against cancer.
Amount: up to $15,000
Deadline: April 1
Eligibility: These need-based scholarships are open to students who are able to do academic work at the college or university level or are enrolled in a trade or technical program and who are active in the progressive movement.
Amount: $20,000
Deadline: April 1
Eligibility: Open to high school seniors with at least one birth parent who is Black/African American, Middle Eastern or North African, Latine, or Native North American. Must have demonstrated financial need.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: April 1
Eligibility: Open to students who have completed their sophomore year of college and are majoring in either accounting or finance. Must have at least a 3.0 GPA.
Amount: up to $5,000
Deadline: April 5
Eligibility: Open to high school students across the US.
Amount: Varies, but can be up to full-tuition!
Deadline: April 7
Eligibility: Open to Ohio and Michigan high school seniors with at least a C average.
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: April 8
Eligibility: Open to students in North America (including Mexico, Canada, and some Caribbean islands) ages 13-22.
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: April 10
Eligibility: Open to high school seniors planning to major in Theater Arts at an accredited college or university within the 10 SETC regional states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia).
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: April 15
Eligibility: Open to traditional high school students, non-traditional students, and GM dealership employees, in the US or Canada, pursuing academic degrees in automotive management, business, and technical certification in automotive education. Must identify as female.
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: April 15
Eligibility: Open to undergraduate and graduate female students who are pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. International students studying in the US are also eligible to apply.
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: April 15
Eligibility: Open to graduating high school students who plan to study computer science at an accredited college or university in the US. Must have at least a 3.3 GPA.
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: April 15
Eligibility: Open to students between the ages of 8 and 18 who live in the US and Canada and are currently working on an inspiring service project or have done so within the past 12 months.
Amount: up to $1,500
Deadline: April 15
Eligibility: Open to current junior students at four year colleges who are planning a career in the dairy industry.
Amount: $6,000
Deadline: April 15
Eligibility: Open to US high school seniors with Italian heritage. Must have at least a 3.5 GPA and be planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the current academic year.
Amount: $5,000 per year
Deadline: April 18
Eligibility: Open to female-identifying students in Washington state with financial need. Must be a US citizen and have at least a 2.5 GPA.
Amount: up to $5,000
Deadline: April 21
Eligibility: Open to high school seniors with documented disabilities (specifically learning disabilities) who will be enrolled in a full-time bachelor’s degree program in the fall.
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: April 25
Eligibility: Open to students ages 14 to 22. Must be a US citizen or DACA recipient and currently enrolled as a full-time high school or college student.
Amount: $20,000
Deadline: April 26
Eligibility: Open to high school seniors attending eligible schools in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Must have demonstrated financial need.
Amount: $15,000 per year
Deadline: April 30
Eligibility: Open to LGBTQ+ students who identify as Asian/Pacific Islander. Must be a graduate of a high school in one of the nine Bay Area counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Napa, Sonoma or Solano, and be enrolled full-time in a community college, university, graduate school, or vocational school.
Amount: up to $5,000
Deadline: not open for 2024
Eligibility: Open to high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate school students pursuing degrees in one of the following areas: graphic design, illustration, photography. Must have at least a 2.0 GPA. Note: Though not a requirement, diversity is a significant factor considered in jury decisions.