Applicant must be an American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Scholar, and a TLA member. Must also be enrolled in an ALA recognized master’s degree program in library and information studies in Texas. Award restricted to Native-American, Asian, African-American and Hispanic applicants.
Contest for best essay on the history of Texas written by graduating seniors in any high school in the United States. History, government and English students are particularly encouraged to participate. Prizes will be scholarships to the college of each winner’s choice or will be given to the student directly if he or she does […]
Scholarship for graduating high school senior, or undergraduate freshman, sophomore, or junior enrolled in a fully AIST-accredited college or university. Applicant must be in good academic standing and dependent of an AIST Midwest chapter member. Recipients may reapply each year for the term of their college education.
This is a competitive scholarship program, funded by NASA and the Commonwealth of Virginia contributions, with the goals of: Promoting undergraduate STEM research while recognizing high academic achievement and promise Increasing participation of underrepresented minorities, females, and students with disabilities in STEM-related careers Implementing the goals of the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and the National […]
Union Plus Education Foundation Scholarship Program
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Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $5.2 million to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education.Β More thanΒ 3,600 families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. The Union Plus Scholarship Program is offered through the Union Plus Education Foundation, supported in part by contributions […]
The USDA 1994 Tribal Scholars Program seeks to increase the number of American Indian and Alaska Native students studying agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, and related disciplines. The USDA 1994 Tribal Scholars Program combines classroom study with paid work experience that leads to employment at USDA. Through this program, USDA seeks to boost the number […]
The VAPB will award two $2000 scholarships this year to students pursuing a degree in broadcast journalism. The students must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies at a college or university in Virginia or West Virginia at the time of the application deadline. The VAPB Scholarship Committee will select one student from a West […]
Merit scholarship for radiation therapists and medical dosimetrists or for current radiologic technologists in an entry-level radiation therapy program. Financial need is a factor. Requirements include recommendation and several short answer essays.
Applicants must have been accepted or is currently enrolled in a nursing program for an Associates or Bachelors nursing degree, proven by a letter of acceptance or transcript. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen and resident of the State of Colorado and attend an accredited college or university in the United States. Applicants must obtain […]
The Wanda Munn Scholarship is for reentry and non-traditional female applicants who have a home address in or are planning to pursue a full-time ABET-accredited program in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington for the upcoming academic year. To be eligible, applicants must have completed a minimum of two years of full-time equivalent credits at […]