Built Ford Tough Scholarship
The Built Ford Tough Scholarship is open to high school seniors and current college students who are members of FFA. Members majoring in any field are encouraged to apply. They must be endorsed by a Ford Truck Dealer.
The Built Ford Tough Scholarship is open to high school seniors and current college students who are members of FFA. Members majoring in any field are encouraged to apply. They must be endorsed by a Ford Truck Dealer.
Every year, the Helen Diller Family Foundation awards up to 15 Jewish teens with $36,000 each for their leadership efforts to change the world. From the environment to social justice to access to education and beyond, these young people are tackling big challenges in their communities and having tremendous impact. Applicants and nominees must be: […]
Planning to help seniors in the future? You could be grandma’s caregiver or the next great innovator for seniors. Whether you’re pursuing technology or the arts, you’re committed to improving senior care. To reward your hard work and noble aspirations, Alert1 wants to give you a helping hand. As a leader in the medical alert […]
Scholarship awarded to winner of the Department of MD High School Oratorical Contest. Applicants must apply at their local Posts and compete in and win their Post, County, and District level competitions for eligibility. The winner of this contest goes on to compete at Nationals. For details http://www.legion.org/oratorical
Morgan & Morgan is committed to giving back to the community. We want to inspire young lawyers to approach their careers with the same mindset. Applicants will be evaluated primarily on the quality of their answers, but also on their creativity. We get so many moving entries every year, and while we can only pick […]
One $1000 award available to student who possesses a novice class or higher amateur radio license and who is or will be attending a four-year college or university. Must be a U.S. citizen and resident of North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, or Tennessee and studying toward a Bachelor of Science degree in any field […]
The Jackie Robinson Foundation (JRF) Scholarship program addresses the financial needs of college students and provides extensive, hands-on mentoring and support services. Once chosen from a national, selective application process, Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholars receive a generous four-year grant to attend the undergraduate school of their choice and enroll in JRF’s celebrated “42 Strategies for Success Curriculum”. […]
One-time award available to a licensed general amateur radio operator. Preference given to residents in the ARRL Roanoke Division (North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia) and attending school in that division. Preference to Baccalaureate or higher degree studies in electronics, communications, or related fields.
Available to students pursuing a degree in electronics, communications, or related fields. Must be licensed in any class of amateur radio operators. Must be a resident of Mississippi attending college in Mississippi and be under 30 years of age.
Pride Foundation provides scholarships to current and future LGBTQ+ and straight-ally student leaders from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Our scholarships cover most accredited post-secondary schools, including community colleges; 4-year public or private colleges and universities; trade or certificate programs; and graduate, medical, or law school. Students submit one application and will be automatically […]