Nina Brookins Scholarship Fund (District 5 Charitable Trust)
💰 Amount Varies🏆⏳ 06/01🧾
Eligibility Requirements: (1) Be enrolled in a nationally accredited nursing program, either through ACEN or CCNE accreditation; (2) Have completed at least one (1) semester in current nursing program by the deadline; (3) Have resided in Florida for at least one (1) year and must reside in Florida throughout the term of the scholarship; (4) […]
Out to Innovate Scholarships for LGBTQ+ STEM Students
💰 $5,000 Value🏆⏳ 06/01📓 3.0📝🧾
NOGLSTP established the Out to Innovate™ Scholarship for LGBTQ+ Students in STEM, following NOGLSTP’s inaugural Out to Innovate™ Career Summit for LGBTQ+ People in STEM. These scholarships are intended for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering,or mathematics (STEM) programs who are either lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or an active ally of […]
This scholarship is for Native American and Alaska Native undergraduate women who are entering their Junior year of college. Students must be enrolled in a federally recognized tribe. Students must be seeking a Bachelors Degree and may be enrolled in any curriculum. This scholarship renews each semester through the student’s Senior year pending satisfactory progress. […]
Eligible students are graduating seniors of Maine high schools, or graduates within four years of the date of application, who are currently enrolled in a college or university in Maine pursuing a degree in business as a part time (minimum of 9 credit hours per semester) or full-time student. There is a preference for applicants […]
The Patty & Paul Levi Research Award provides an annual $5,000 award to a periodontal faculty member mentoring a predoctoral student or students doing research related to preventative periodontology.
This award, which honors the memories of Monette, a poet and author, and his partner, Horwitz, an attorney, will be given for the best dissertation in LGTBQ Studies, broadly defined, by a PhD candidate within the City University of New York system. The dissertation should have been defended in the previous year. Adjudicated by the […]
Phi Delta Kappa International Advanced Degree Scholarships
💰 $1,000 Value🏆 5⏳ 06/01📓 3.0📝
One-time awards for members of Phi Delta Kappa, Pi Lambda Theta and/or Educators Rising pursuing an advanced degree in education or educational leadership. There is one common application for all advanced degree awards.
Philips Respironics Fellowship in Mechanical Ventilation
💰 $1,000 Value🏆 1⏳ 06/01
This fellowship is designed to foster projects dealing with mechanical ventilation, especially outside of the intensive care unit. Projects can be device development, device evaluation, cost effectiveness analysis, or education programs. This fellowship was begun in 1993 with a grant from Respironics, Inc., a major manufacturer of non-invasive ventilator technology.
Service repayable medical school scholarship for a maximum of $20,000 per year for four years available to Georgia residents enrolled in U.S. accredited medical school. Repay by practicing medicine for one year in rural Georgia for each year that the scholarship is received. Service payment begins upon completion of residency training.