Now more than ever, students have the ability to build a hugely successful, high-paying career in HVAC. It all starts with education, so we’re here to support tradespeople on their paths toward successful HVAC careers. Trade Academy empowers students throughout their education, training, and careers as technicians. Eligibility requirements: -Open to anyone enrolled, or planning […]
One $500 award is available to students who are residents of western New York and who possess technician class or higher amateur radio licenses. Preference is given to graduating high school seniors with a 3.2 GPA. Must provide documentation of amateur radio activities and achievements and any honor from community service.
$900 scholarship for an ARRL member who is studying engineering or computer science. Must be a resident in GA and a member of ARRL. If no qualified applicant, preference will be awarded to an applicant from the ARRL Southeastern Division (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands).
North Texas Section Bob Nelson KB5BNU Memorial Scholarship
💰 $750 Value🏆 1⏳ 12/31
Applicant must have graduated high school located within the North Texas Section, and may attend college or university in this section. Additional applicants to be considered: North Texas residency, attending a school in another state, applicants of other Texas sections attending school in our state or out and Oklahoma residents attending school in Texas or […]
Scholarships are based on merit and are awarded through a highly competitive national selection process. For more information, visit our web site at
Each year, the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police (OACP) provides $1000 college scholarships to students who plan to enter a law enforcement or other criminal justice career. The OACP is committed to promoting professionalism and we value the presence and contributions of educated men and women in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. To further our […]
One $1000 scholarship for U.S. citizen studying a technical field that supports the radio art at an accredited four-year college or university. Applicant may have any class of active amateur radio license. Must be a resident of Florida, with preference given to residents of Central Florida (Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, Volusia, Brevard and Polk Counties).
MobilitySeeker’s mission is to provide tips and unbiased reviews about a broad range of scooters, ripstiks, and many other outdoor sports gear. We created this scholarship to help students showcase their abilities in this area and show them our support. The winner will get $2,000 to be spent on tuition fees and supplies.
Applicant must be a high school senior and performing at a high academic level. Preference is given to applicants residing in San Diego or Imperial Counties, CA
One $1000 award available to students licensed as amateur radio operators. Applicant must be majoring in electronics, communications, or a related field at the Baccalaureate level or higher. Preference given to residents of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska or those attending institutions in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, or Nebraska.