The Meg Sutton I-LEAD® Scholarship recognizes students who have conquered obstacles in their education and have taken a leadership role in their college union or student activities program. The scholarship allows recipients to engage in ACUI’s premier student leadership development institute, covering the cost of registration to the ACUI event. The review process includes, but is […]
The Melvin Kranzberg Dissertation Fellowship is presented annually to a doctoral student engaged in the preparation of a dissertation on the history of technology, broadly defined. This award is in memory of the co-founder of the Society and honors Melvin Kranzbergs many contributions to developing the history of technology as a field of scholarly endeavor […]
To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants are asked to submit an essay that details their personal experiences with cancer, whether it is their own diagnosis or that of another person in their life. They are asked to describe the cancers impact, how they overcame adversity, and how it has changed their outlook on […]
Degree-seeking graduate students of color enrolled at an ACUI member institution who intend to pursue a career in the profession, who are not set to graduate in the upcoming May or August, and who have a commitment to fulfilling the duties of the position for the length of the internship are eligible to apply. The […]
Any spouse, natural child, adopted child, or any step child of a veteran. Child must attend school prior to 26th birthday. No age limit for spouse. Veteran must be MIA, POW, died as the result of service connected disability determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs or is 100% service connected disabled permanent and […]
RTDNF’s first fellowship is named for Michele Clark, the CBS News correspondent who was killed in a plane crash while on assignment in 1972. This fellowship is awarded to a young, promising minority professional in television or radio news. In addition to the $1,000 award, winners of the Michele Clark Fellowships are invited to attend […]
Mike Reynolds, who died in 1988 of a brain tumor at age 45, was assignment editor and then managing editor at KCCI-TV in Des Moines, IA. This scholarship is awarded to a journalism student with a good writing ability, excellent grades, a dedication to the news business, strong interest in pursuing a career in electronic […]
The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation maintains an Educational Endowment Fund, from which scholarship awards are made annually to deserving recipients, in a competitive program. Awards are NOT guaranteed — only the opportunity for a fair appraisal of the information provided to our committee. These scholarships, grant, and loan opportunities are for Masons, their siblings, children, […]
After serving your country in the military, we can help you channel your leadership skills into job training. Our Imagine America military scholarship to trade schools can be applied to a variety of growing career paths. Whether you want to be a welder, mechanic, work in cyber security or information tech, we have 550 partners […]
Applicants must be one of the following: (1) Unmarried dependent child under age 26 of an MBA member; (2) MBA sponsored spouse member or dependent spouse of an MBA member; (3) MBA members who are National Guard members or Reservists; (4) MBA members who are Veterans, having separated from Service as of application deadline.Follow the […]