Scholarships for distance education available only to U.S. citizens enrolled in a CHEA-accredited online degree program located in the USA with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Provide a copy of your most recent grade transcripts, completed application, a copy of your most recent FAFSA or 1040 tax return, and submit a 500-word essay: “What […]
Scholarship of $500 awarded to members of BPW/Texas, age 25 or older, to obtain education or training at an accredited college or university, technology institution, or training center. The number of awards varies.
The purpose of the MAES Scholarship Program is to increase the number of Hispanic students completing their higher education goals. Student Excellence Scholarships are available on a competitive basis to MAES student members in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The scholarship applicants are selected on the basis of academic achievement, financial need, […]
The Graduate Scholarship was created to increase graduate enrollment at public post-secondary institutions for students from groups underrepresented in graduate education. Students may receive up to $7,200 per year. Eligibility Priority will be given to New Mexico students from those groups with the most severe under-representation and students with the greatest financial need. A citizen […]
We want to give back to the young people who have been key to our success by making life a little easier for a student. So we’re giving one amazing incoming college freshman or sophomore $1,000 to spend on starting a business, buying books, paying tuition, or whatever other costs come with his or her […]
Camps will be directly invited to apply for funds by Gray Family Foundation staff and encouraged to use funds to keep maintenance staff employed and work towards safely reopening for outdoor school when conditions and local regulations permit. We will consider applications submitted by non-profit camp facilities or school, districts, tribal entities, or 501(c)3 non-profit […]
Gray Family Foundation Environmental Education Grant
💰 $25,000 Value🏆⏳ Rolling
The Gray Family Foundation’s Environmental Education program seeks to support programs that stimulate or promote the teaching of environmental education in K-12 environments and increases outdoor experiences for youth. Gray Family Foundation’s Environmental Education Grant Program is focused on projects/programs that benefit 3rd-8th grade youth.
The Foundation’s Launching an Outdoor School Program seeks to increase the capacity of schools and outdoor school providers to deliver high-quality outdoor school experiences to all Oregon fifth- or sixth-grade students. Grant Deadlines: July 1 and October 1.
Helping Educate Reservists and their Offspring (HERO) Scholarship
💰 $8,000 Value🏆⏳ Rolling
Georgia HERO Scholarship program provides educational scholarship assistance to members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reservists who served in combat zones, and the children and the spouses of such members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reserves. To be eligible to apply for a Georgia HERO Scholarship, you must meet the […]
Eligible applicants may be students, professionals, or individuals. Grant recipients will be required to sign a Grant Acceptance Form prior to the award of a grant. Only U.S. residents may apply. Total grant amount is $5,000.