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Ruby Lorraine Paul Scholarship

The Ruby Lorraine Paul Scholarship will be awarded to a daughter, son, granddaughter, grandson, great-granddaughter or great-grandson of an American Legion or to an American Legion Auxiliary member who has held Nebraska membership for two years or to an American Legion, American Auxiliary, or Sons of the American Legion member who has held Nebraska membership […]

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Rutherford Scholars

Award of CAN $2500 for Alberta residents based of results obtained on Diploma Examinations in English 30, or Francais 30, Social Studies 30, and three other subjects. Averages normally are in the 98.0 to 98.8 percent range. Only the first writing of the diploma exam will be considered. No application is required. Recipients are selected […]

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S.C. Hollander Best Retailing Paper Competition

The Stanley C. Hollander Best Retailing Paper Award is awarded to the best full paper on a topic related to retailing or services marketing. The award is named in honor of Dr. Stanley C. Hollander. Stan held academic positions at the University of Buffalo, the University of Minnesota, the University of Pennsylvania and Michigan State […]

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Safety Officers’ Survivor Grant Program

Grant for eligible survivors of Minnesota public safety officers killed in the line of duty. Safety officers who have been permanently or totally disabled in the line of duty are also eligible. Must be used at a Minnesota institution participating in State Grant Program. Write for details. Must submit proof of death or disability and […]

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Samuel Robinson Award

Prize granted to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) members who are full-time juniors or seniors in college and attending a Presbyterian-related college or university to memorize and recite the catechism from memory and write an essay on an assigned topic. Range of awards The two students with the highest scores receive $7,500. The lowest award for an […]

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Sandra K. Lacey Scholarship

For deaf residents of Sarasota County. Additional requirements include proof of acceptance into post-secondary education program, estimated cost of attendance break-down, and bill from post-secondary institution.

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SC and R Foundation Grants

The grant program awards between $250 and $5,000 to individuals pursuing additional skills or certificate programs at a technical/vocational school or 2 year-college.

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Scholarship for Ethnic Minority College Students

Award for qualified minority candidates who have been accepted into an accredited four-year Connecticut college or university and intend to enter the teaching profession. Must have 3.0 GPA.

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Scholarship for Social Impact

Everyone at Fig is driven by their passion for creating financially healthy communities. Since decision-making at the local level is becoming an important part of civic life, being a good citizen is more important than ever. Fig is committed to supporting that growth in the communities we serve. The Fig Loans scholarship is one of […]

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Short-term Credential Award

The Short-term credential award supports completing a certificate workplace credential, not a degree as the program lasts one semester or less. An applicant is eligible to apply if one of the following criteria is met: 1) Work full-time (35 hours/week or more) while being enrolled or; 2) Have dependents other than a spouse or; 3) […]

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