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American Ground Water Trust-Thomas Stetson Scholarship

For students entering their freshman year in a full-time program of study at a four-year accredited university or college located west of the Mississippi River and intending to pursue a career in ground water-related field. Must be U.S. citizen or legal resident with 3.0 GPA or higher. For more information see web site http://www.agwt.org.

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Anders Scholarship

The $1,000 annual scholarship is available to students from all learning paths. Must have a unique appreciation and perspective of the medical field. Allied Health, Nursing, and Therapy professionals are at the front lines providing care for patients every day, and this scholarship is to honor them.

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$1,000 Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship

The Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship is a merit-based program that helps students fulfill their dreams of a higher education. The scholarship is named for Gen and Kelly Tanabe, best-selling authors on education, whose generous donations fund this program. Eligibility: 9th-12th grade high school, college, or graduate student including adult students. A legal resident of […]

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Arthur E. and Helen Copeland Scholarships

Scholarship for a full-time college student who is blind or visually impaired. All applicants must be current members of USABA.

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ASEI Kalpana Chawla Ford Motor Scholarship

A scholarship of $3000 will be awarded to one deserving full-time graduate student in aerospace engineering at the ASEI Convention. Applicant must become a Member of American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin.

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Bright Flight Program

Program encourages top-ranked high school seniors to attend approved Missouri post-secondary schools. Must be a Missouri resident and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Must have a composite score on the ACT or SAT in the top 5 percent of all Missouri students taking those tests. Students with scores in the top 3 percent are […]

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Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship

The Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of Basil L. and Monica G. Virtue by their son-in-law, S. Michael McLaughlin, FSA, MAAA, an actuary who graduated from UWI. The scholarship is intended to be an annual award to University of the West Indies (UWI) actuarial student(s) who demonstrate a strong record of […]

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DCCI Scholarship for Canadian Students with Disabilities

The scholarship will be awarded to a Canadian high school student with a documented disability who is pursuing post-secondary education in the field of study in health care, criminal justice, or community & social services at an accredited Canadian institution for the upcoming academic year. Must submit proof of graduating high school in the upcoming […]

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Elmer O. & Ida Preston Educational Trust

Must be attending a school in Iowa. Preparing for a life of Christian service.

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End Distracted Driving Scholarship

In order to end the dangers of distracted driving, it’s up to each of us to make the commitment to put an end to our own distracting habits. However, like any behavior, you must first admit that you have a problem. For this reason, Bensinger Legal Services is asking students to look forward to end […]

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