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Nursing Teacher Stipend Forgivable Loan, MSN

Applicant must be a resident of Mississippi who has been accepted into a MSN program or PhD/DNP program at a school of nursing in Mississippi. Applicant must be a participant in the Nursing Education Forgivable Loan Program and agree to teach in an accredited school of nursing in Mississippi for two years for each year […]

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Office and Professional Employees International Union Howard Coughlin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Twelve (12) full-time scholarships will be awarded on the basis of at least one (1) per region. Applications are open to members in good standing, associate members, and their children, all of whom must meet the eligibility requirements and comply with the Rules and Regulations as established by the OPEIU Executive Board. Each scholarship award […]

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Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award

One-time award for a teacher of information science who has demonstrated excellence and unique contributions to the information science field. Applicants need not be a member of Society but must be directly engaged in teaching some aspect of information science on a continuing basis, in an academic or a non-academic setting. Submit resume and statement […]

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Part Time Student Scholarship

$1500 scholarship supported by IFDA Educational Foundation. Applicant must be a part-time student currently enrolled in at least 2 interior design or related field courses in a nationally accredited school in the United States.

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Pastry Arts Diploma Program

Scholarship intended for a culinary student, beginning professional, or advanced chef. Recipient must be a new enrollment and satisfy all entrance requirements of the FCI. Scholarship award is applied to total program fee.

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Paul Jennings Scholarship Award

One award for a student whose parent or grandparent is or has been a local union elected official. Families of full-time international union officers are not eligible. Submit family financial status form with application.

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Pearson Scholarship

The Pearson award is funded by Pearson Education in partnership with the National Federation of the Blind and is given to a student who plans a career in education. For Pearson, learning is a never-ending road of discovery. The following requirements apply to all applicants: Must beΒ legally blind (PDF)Β in both eyes. Must be residing in […]

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Permelia A. Butterfield Scholarship Fund

Eligibility requirement(s): Residents from Franklin County of all religious sects and denominations claiming to be Christian who are under the age of 21 and have at least one deceased parent pass away; preference for residents from the town of Orange.

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Peter Agris Memorial Journalism Scholarship

Criteria for Scholarship candidates include: Being of Greek-American descent and a U.S. citizen Current full-time enrollment as a journalism or communications major at the graduate or undergraduate level at an accredited college or university in the United States Active participation in school, community, church organizations A minimum of a 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need […]

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Peter Mark Memorial Award

The nominee must be a young scientist or engineer who has contributed outstanding theoretical or experimental work, at least part of which must have been published in an AVS Journal. The nominee’s thirty-sixth (36) birthday may not precede January 1 of the year in which the award is made. The award shall be granted without […]

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