Research grants for graduate-level and advanced study in Marine Corps history and related fields. Must submit preliminary letter outlining qualifications and a topic. Pending approval, applicants must submit a writing sample, transcripts, and a formal application. Program gives preference to pre-2000 period topics. A portion of the research may be done in Washington, DC. Applications […]
UCB will award 30 scholarships of up to $5,000 and 3 scholarships of up to $10,000 to people living with epilepsy, their family members, and caregivers pursuing higher education. Thirty applicants who demonstrate academic and personal achievement will receive scholarships of up to $5,000 each. Two applicants will receive Epilepsy Leader Scholarships of up to […]
Eligible full-time students from a Consortium 4-year university may apply for an undergraduate scholarship. Applications and further information about NASA CTSGC Grants, Scholarships, and Internships may be obtained from your university/college NASA CTSGC Campus Director. NASA CTSGC actively encourages women, minorities, and those with disabilities to apply for its grants, scholarships, and internships. (More info: […]
Awards for minority students pursuing undergraduate degree. Must have been certified members of the United Methodist Church for one year. Proof of membership and pastor’s statement required. One-time award but applicant may re-apply each year. Minimum 2.5 GPA required.
Vada and Col. Barney Oldfield National Security Reporting Fellowship
💰 $1,000 Value🏆⏳ N/A🧾
A $1,000 award, created by the RTDNF Board of Trustees in honor of Barney Oldfield, a Hollywood studio publicist, WWII Army and post-war Air Force public relations officer, author, lecturer, businessman and philanthropist who founded over 40 private foundations including RTDNF. This award is given annually to a reporter or producer in radio or television […]
There are a number of state and federal programs that can help pay for the education of veterans and their family members. Maine offers the Veterans Dependents Educational Benefits program, a 100% tuition and fee waiver for spouses and dependents of veterans who have a 100% permanent and total service-connected disability or who meet other eligibility requirements, […]
The grant is for eligible Wisconsin veterans enrolled at approved schools who have not yet earned a BS/BA. Reimburses up to 120 credits or eight semesters at the UW Madison rate for the same number of credits taken in one semester or term. The number of credits or semesters is based on length of time […]
Provides additional education benefits to Veterans eligible for “federally funded” education programs who served on active duty from December 31,1960 to May 7, 1975 and were legal residents of New Jersey at the time of induction into the Armed Forces or for a period not less than one year prior to applying. The amount of […]
$250 award for each child aged 10 to 18 of a veteran killed in service, died from service connected issues, 100% permanent and totally disabled, or 100% disabled due to service connected issues for two years. Student must attend an Illinois educational institution.