Washington College Grant (formerly Washington State Need Grant Program)
π° Amount Variesπβ³ Rolling
The program helps Washington’s lowest-income undergraduate students to pursue degrees, hone skills, or retrain for new careers. Students with family incomes equal to or less than 50 percent of the state median are eligible for up to 100 percent of the maximum grant. Students with incomes between 51-70% of the state median are prorated dependent […]
Washington State Health Professional Loan Repayment Program
π° Amount Variesπβ³ Rolling
The Health Loan Repayment Program helps the state attract and retain licensed health professionals to serve in critical shortage areas in Washington State by providing educational loan repayment assistance.
One-time award available to residents of Wisconsin who have severe or profound hearing or visual impairment. Must be enrolled at least half-time at a nonprofit institution. If the handicap prevents the student from attending a Wisconsin school, the award may be used out-of-state in a specialized college. Refer to web site for further details http://www.heab.state.wi.us.
Students from designated states can enroll in two- and four-year undergraduate programs at some 160+ public institutions in participating Western states and pay 150 percent of resident tuition, or less. Applicants apply directly to the admissions office at participating institutions. Applicants must indicate that they want to be considered for the WUE tuition savings. Participating […]
William Bingham Scholarship for Adult Learners Fund
π° Amount Variesπβ³ Rollingππ§Ύ
This renewable scholarship supports residents of Oxford, Franklin, and Somerset counties who are adult learners (students who are beyond high-school age) returning to school to continue their education at the post-secondary level. The fund supports post-secondary education in its broadest interpretation, which includes enrollment in traditional two- and four-year colleges and universities, but could also […]
The Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) is a vital program of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), with a mission to safeguard American agriculture against invasive pests. The USDA Pathways Program: William F. Helms Internship provides university and college undergraduates the opportunity to help protect U.S. agriculture […]
Wilma Dykeman “Faces of Appalachia” Post-doctoral Research Fellowship
π° $4,000 Valueπ 1β³ Rolling
Fellowship is designed to provide funding in the amount of $3,000 to one recent PhD annually to support research related to the goals of the endowment: promoting scholarship on gender (which includes gender identities and sexualities), race, and/or ethnicity in Appalachia. Must have been a member of ASA for one year prior to applying and […]
Winnie Davis-Children of the Confederacy Scholarship
π° Amount Variesπβ³ Rolling
A need-based grant to assist with mandatory fees and non-state supported tuition. This supplemental award is available to Massachusetts residents, who are undergraduates at public two-year, four-year colleges and universities in Massachusetts. Must file FAFSA before May 1. Contact college financial aid office for information.
Renewable award for high school seniors with the highest GPA in graduating class. Must be a Wisconsin resident attending a nonprofit Wisconsin institution full-time. Scholarship value is $2250 toward tuition each year for up to four years. Must maintain 3.0 GPA for renewal. Refer to your high school counselor for more details.
Grants for residents of Wisconsin enrolled at least half-time in degree or certificate programs at a University of Wisconsin Institution, Wisconsin Technical College or an approved Tribal College. Must show financial need. Refer to web site for further details http://www.heab.wi.gov.