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Doctoral Summer Research Scholarship Program

The Doctoral Summer Research Scholarship Program recognizes that many accounting doctoral programs require a summer research paper, usually in the first or second summer of the doctoral student’s program. This program is not limited to students in accounting doctoral programs. Any doctoral student doing research with potential to advance the management accounting profession may apply. […]

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Dr. M. Wayne DeLozier Best Paper Award

The M. Wayne DeLozier Best Conference Paper Award is awarded to the best full paper submitted to the annual Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) conference. All competitive papers submitted to the conference, with the exception of papers submitted to special sessions and to the Doctoral Colloquium, are eligible for the award.

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Dr. Michael Dorizas Memorial Scholarship

$5000 award for a full-time student enrolled in a degree program at an accredited four-year college or university. Must be a U.S. citizen of Greek descent and a resident of particular counties in NJ or PA.

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Ecolab Scholarship Program

Award for students enrolled full-time in United States baccalaureate or associate program leading to degree in hospitality management.

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Educational Benefits for Children of Deceased Veterans

Applicant must have been a resident of the state of Delaware for three or more consecutive years prior to the date of application. If the applicant’s parent is a member of the armed forces, the parent must have been a resident of Delaware at the time of death or declaration of missing in action or […]

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Educational Support Grants

The Educational Support Grant Program was created by the WBA Foundation in 2000 to award up to $10,000 annually to assist non-profit college and technical school broadcast education programs in acquiring equipment, hardware, software and/or other teaching materials that are necessary to conduct broadcast education programs and promote careers in broadcasting. Due to the program’s […]

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Educators for Maine Program

Forgivable loan for residents of Maine who are high school seniors, undergraduate and graduate students accepted into post-secondary degree programs with a minimum 3.0 GPA, studying or preparing to study teacher education. Undergraduate students must be enrolled full-time in an accredited U.S. college or university. Graduate students must be enrolled at least half-time in an […]

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Employment BOOST College Scholarships

1 of our scholarships is reserved for STEM students. Students must be currently enrolled in a U.S.-based high school or college. Students graduating from high school must plan to attend college during the fall semester in the same year as the application. Eligible colleges include two-year and four-year universities in the United States. Students who […]

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Family Practice Resident Rural Scholarship Loan Program

The scholarship’s objective is to assist Oklahoma’s rural communities and to provide financial assistance to residents enrolled in an accredited family practice or a family medicine residency program located in Oklahoma.

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First Generation Matching Grant Program

Need-based grants to Florida resident undergraduate students who are enrolled in state universities and community colleges in Florida and whose parents have not earned baccalaureate degrees. Available state funds are contingent upon matching contributions from private sources on a dollar-for-dollar basis. Institutions determine application procedures, deadlines, and student eligibility. For more details, visit the website […]

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