One or multiple Marty Rosness Student Scholarship(s) may be awarded annually by the Arizona Airports Association (AzAA) for an amount totaling $2,500 or less (not to exceed $1,250 per recipient). Applicants must be enrolled in an aviation related degree or program in the state of Arizona.
Award to further education of young Rhode Island artists (such as art lessons for high school students in two-dimensional art) and/or scholarships for Rhode Island art students (freshmen, sophomores, and juniors) at Rhode Island institutions.
The Wine Group Scholarship Fund was established in 2009 by a group of owners of The Wine Group LLC (TWG). Its mission is to provide the children, grandchildren or legal dependents of TWG’s employees with financial assistance to pursue or continue postsecondary education in any area of study. Must be a child, legal dependent or […]
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Minnesota Scholarships
π° $1,000 Valueπ 8β³ 03/05π
Department scholarships are awarded to deserving sons or daughters, grandsons or granddaughters of a veteran who need financial assistance to avail themselves of higher education at the post-secondary level. These scholarships are to be applied only toward the expenses of tuition, books or similar fees, at an accredited institution of higher learning. Each scholarship will […]
CTA Ceasar E. Chavez Memorial Education Awards Program
π° $550 Valueπβ³ 03/05
The Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Education Awards Program provides recognition for educators and their students who demonstrate an understanding of the vision and guiding principles by which Cesar Chavez lived his life. Through essay and visual arts, participants must show evidence of how one or more of the below principles are evident in their lives […]
Awards NPM members enrolled full-time or part-time in a graduate or undergraduate degree program of studies related to the field of pastoral music. Applicant must intend to work at least two years in the field of pastoral music following graduation or program completion.
This is a program providing 10 weeks of summer funding for matriculated undergraduate students in the US to work in a laboratory studying Huntington’s disease. Also eligible are first-year medical students in the summer before or after their first year of med school. We have also been flexible in the past with applications from students […]
John R. Lillard Scholarship/Kenneth R. Scott Scholarship
π° $3,000 Valueπβ³ 03/05π 3.5ππ§Ύ
Scholarship of $3000 offered to high school seniors planning a career in the field of aviation. Must be enrolled or accepted into an aviation-related program at an accredited college. Minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA.
The NSPA Journalism Honor Roll honors students who have achieved a 3.5 or higher grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) and have completed at least two years on staff by the end of this school year. Students in their second year on staff are eligible. Seniors who qualify for the Honor Roll can enter […]
One-time award of $1000. Applicant must be a direct descendant, wife, or widow of a veteran. Must submit certification of an American Legion Auxiliary unit president, copy of proof that veteran was in service (i.e. discharge papers), letters of recommendation, transcripts, and essay. Must have minimum 3.5 GPA, show financial need, and be a resident […]