The NAPABA Law Foundation has partnered with the Choi Family to create the Han C. Choi Scholarship, to honor a NAPABA Trailblazer, mentor and leader, who embodies grit and courage in the face of great adversity. The Scholarship Fund will benefit a 1L or 2L law student who exhibits academic excellence, leadership, volunteerism, mentorship experience, […]
Harry J. Morris, Jr. Emergency Services Scholarship
💰 Amount Varies🏆⏳ 03/01📓 2.5📝
Scholarship is for students who are residents of Kent, Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Ottawa, Montcalm, Muskegon, or Newaygo County pursuing an undergraduate certificate or degree at an accredited education program in Michigan in the field of emergency medical technician, paramedic, or firefighter training. Must have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average or verified GED certificate and […]
Since 1976 IOKDS awards annual Health Career Scholarships for students studying at the US or Canadian accredited college/university. Who is eligible? Medical and dental students who have completed their first professional year (pre-med students not eligible) Pharmacy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and medical technology students who have completed a minimum of two years of […]
The Darcovich Memorial Doctoral Fellowship (up to C$12,500), is awarded annually to a student writing a dissertation on a Ukrainian or Ukrainian-Canadian topic in one of the above areas. Because funding is for dissertation work only, all other degree requirements must be completed by the time the award is taken up. Fellowship holders may apply […]
Scholarship for students pursuing degrees in social services, housing studies, urban design, and other related fields; preference for students who have demonstrated a commitment to community service.
The purpose of the Hmong Community Higher Education Scholarship Fund is to award scholarships to outstanding graduating high school seniors and current college students of Hmong descent who are pursuing a college degree in any field of study. A major purpose of this scholarship is to encourage students to return to our area to reside […]
One-time award for students returning to the classroom after some period of time in which his/her formal schooling was interrupted or a student who has had at least one year of college and is in need of financial assistance to pursue an undergraduate degree. Must be a member of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary […]
Howard E. and Wilma J. Adkins Memorial Scholarship
💰 $2,500 Value🏆 1⏳ 03/01📓 2.5
Award for a full-time junior or senior in welding engineering or welding engineering technology. Preference to welding engineering students and those residing or attending school in Wisconsin or Kentucky. Must have at least 3.2 GPA in engineering, scientific, and technical subjects and a 2.8 GPA overall. No financial need is required to apply. Award may […]
Must be a resident of Clackamas, Multnomah or Washington counties in Oregon, or Clark County, Washington. Planning to major or majoring in science, computer science, engineering or mathematics, focused on a career as a professional (or a teacher) in these fields. Renewal is possible for up to four years of undergraduate study, but applicants must […]
You must be a Baltimore City public high school student-athlete; have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or better; submit at least two (2) letters verifying your participation in high school athletics and evidence you possess the qualities Hy Zolet exemplified, including a good work ethic, fairness and courage, in addition to outstanding leadership and athletic skills; […]