Health Professions Preparatory Scholarship Program
π° Amount Variesπβ³ 02/28
Scholarship for undergraduate American Indian/Alaska Native students enrolled part-time or full-time in programs related to health and allied health professions. Minimum 2.0 GPA required to apply. Applicant must demonstrate a desire to serve AI/AN people when their health or allied health profession education/ training is complete. The dollar amount and number of awards varies annually.
Healthy Start for Texas Teeth Community Service Grant
π° $1,000 Valueπ 1β³ 02/28
The grant will provide the preventive benefits of fluoride varnish for underserved populations in Texas. Applicants who are licensed dental hygienists or students pursuing a dental hygiene degree are eligible.
Through the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF), and hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) has awarded nearly $61 million in scholarships to date. In past years, the SIF has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships […]
The Ida M. Pope Memorial Scholarship is for female students of Hawaiian ancestry who have been academically successful. Students with financial need are eligible to apply. Special consideration will be given to students who are studying a STEM field.
IFT Food Laws and Regulations Division Undergraduate Scholarship
π° $1,500 Valueπ 1β³ 02/28π 3.0
One $1500 scholarship for a student planning to enroll full-time or part-time as a rising sophomore, junior, or senior student pursuing an undergraduate degree in food science with an interest in food laws, regulation, food policy, agricultural policy, or nutrition policy. Minimum 3.0 GPA.
Indian Health Service Health Professions Pre-graduate Scholarships
π° Amount Variesπβ³ 02/28
Scholarship for American Indian/Alaska Native students who are enrolled part-time or full-time in courses leading to a bachelor degree in the areas of pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-optometry, or pre-podiatry. Minimum 2.0 GPA required to apply. Must intend to serve AI/AN people upon completion of professional healthcare education.
ISA Educational Foundation Scholarships are awarded to college or university students who demonstrate outstanding potential for long-range contribution to the fields of automation and control. The scholarship awards support tuition and related expenses and research activities and initiatives. ISA awards scholarships from both the Educational Foundation Scholarship fund and funds provided through endowments of generous […]
Through the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF), and hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) has awarded nearly $61 million in scholarships to date. In past years, the SIF has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships […]
This college scholarship is open to volunteers age 21 or younger who have contributed a minimum of 100 hours credited through DAV or DAV Auxiliary. Students may apply with the inclusion of an essay on what volunteering for veterans means for them. Anyone can nominate a worthy candidate including the student/applicant. Visit for full […]
Grant is intended for young scholars who have a recently awarded doctoral degree (that is, no more than five years beyond receipt of the Ph.D.) The focus of the award is for research related to environmental and resource economics.