Eligibility requirements: The High School Senior College Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors who are citizens or aliens legally residing in the USA. Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s college/university or certified trade school in the United States; the winner must enroll for classes in the upcoming fall Winner selection is NOT based on financial need, GPA, or demographic criteria. Home-schooled students may apply as […]
American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship
💰 $7,000 Value🏆⏳ 01/01📝🧾
This 10-week summer program places science, engineering, and mathematics students at media organizations nationwide. Fellows use their academic training as they research, write, and report today’s headlines, sharpening their abilities to communicate complex scientific issues to the public. Eligibility: Applicants must a) be enrolled as students (upper level undergraduate or graduate), b) be a postdoctoral […]
American Legion Department of Arizona High School Oratorical Contest
💰 $2,000 Value🏆 10⏳ 01/01
Each student must present an 8 to 10 minute prepared oration on any part of the U.S. Constitution without any notes, podiums, or coaching. The student will then be asked to do a 3 to 5 minute oration on one of four possible topics. One of the four topics will not be known in advance, […]
Established in the memory of Carol Bauhs Benson, this scholarship is awarded to students at the Certificate/Associate educational level who have completed (or who will complete by the time of the award) a minimum of one year in a dental hygiene curriculum. This scholarship is restricted to students who reside in the following states: Minnesota, […]
Welcome to the Drug Rehab USA Mental Health Scholarship, a beacon of support for aspiring mental health professionals dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals and communities. This scholarship, valued at $2,000, aims to recognize and reward students pursuing degrees in mental health fields. We believe in the transformative power of education and the profound […]
Scholarship for graduating high school seniors whose parents have been employees of Gateway Press Inc. for a minimum of 5 years. Applicant must be accepted at a college or university and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.25.
The MIT THINK Scholars Program is an educational outreach initiative that promotes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by supporting and funding projects developed by high school students. Full-time high school students apply to the program by submitting a proposal for any novel science, technology, or engineering idea. Finalists Receive: All expenses paid trip to MIT […]
Video Scholarship for Aspiring Medical Professionals
💰 $1,000 Value🏆 1⏳ 01/01📓 3.0
This is a $1,000 scholarship and will be available annually to any student pursuing a medical related degree. Applicant must submit a video entry based on the scholarship cycle’s topic.For more info and updates, follow the scholarship webpage. (https://dlelawyers.com/service/florida-car-accident-lawyer/car-accident-lawyer-in-miami/dle-lawyers-scholarship)
Initiated by the Mustard Seed Foundation in 1992, and now overseen by the 28twelve Foundation, the program seeks to mark, equip and encourage individuals to actively integrate their faith and vocation as leaders in strategic occupations. The Harvey Fellows Program provides scholarships to Christian students who are pursuing graduate studies at premier universities in fields […]
In our earliest days, we rolled bandages for World War I soldiers, and assisted at Children’s Hospital. Since 1923, our focus has been to further the education of young women in Alabama by funding partial college scholarships for women attending Alabama colleges and universities. To this day we remain 100% volunteer based with no paid […]