Orangesoft offers a scholarship dedicated to female college or university students pursuing STEM, or other technology-related studies and careers. This scholarship will help a high school or university female student to achieve their goal in their future career in a technical field. We want to support a talented young techie who would like to pursue […]
Scholarship aimed at graduate students planning to teach surveying, mapping, or photogrammetry. Recipient receives $3500 check and a plaque. Winners are required to provide a final report within one year to ASPRS.
The Presidents Scholarship is available to undergraduate students pursuing a course of study in industrial engineering. This award is intended to recognize excellence in scholarly activities and leadership of the industrial engineering profession. A candidate must be active in a student chapter and must have demonstrated leadership and promoted IISE involvement on campus. Must have […]
Are you a passionate student diving into business, economics, or a related field? Product Management might be the right career path for you. We invite you to unlock your potential with our exclusive scholarship opportunity. If you maintain a GPA of at least 3.0, this could be your chance to get your career in Product […]
The RewardExpert Financial Wellness Scholarship is established to help undergraduate students pursuing degrees in Finance, Accounting, Business, and Mathematics to prepare for careers in personal finance and financial fields. The scholarship is designed to assist with the cost of tuition, room, or board. One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded twice annually to deserving undergraduate students […]
One-time award of $2000 available for undergraduate or graduate study in theoretical photogrammetry. Applicant must supply a sample of work in photogrammetry and a statement of plans for future study in the field. Must be a member of ASPRS.
This award is presented to an emerging, early or mid-career artist, from any country, working in photography, photo-based media, video, or moving image, including short-form film or video. Awards will alternate each year between artists working exclusively with still images (photography) and those working with moving images (video or film).* In either case, this award […]
The purpose of the award is to encourage and commend college/university graduate students or postdoctoral researchers who display exceptional interest, desire, ability, and aptitude in the field of remote sensing or other related geospatial information technologies and who have a special interest in developing practical uses of these technologies. For graduate students (masters or Ph.D. […]
Applicants for all Rome Prize Fellowships, except those applying for the National Endowment for the Humanities postdoctoral fellowship, must be United States citizens at the time of the application. US citizens, and those foreign nationals who have lived in the United States for three years immediately preceeding the application deadline, may apply for the NEH […]