Award to encourage students to pursue education in geospatial science or technology related to photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying and mapping. Must be enrolled or intending to enroll in a U.S. college or university in geospatial science, surveying and mapping and related fields. Must submit with application a list of all applicable courses taken, a statement […]
Scholarships available to undergraduate students entering their junior or senior year, graduate students, and just-graduating students. Students should be aspiring to be professional editors.
The Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowships were established in 1938 in honor of Amelia Earhart, famed pilot and Zonta club member. The Amelia Earhart Fellowships are awarded annually to women pursuing a Ph.D./doctoral degree conducting research applied to aerospace engineering or aerospace sciences. The Fellowship of US$10,000 may be used at any university or college […]
The Walsh Scholarship is awarded to an applicant who demonstrates the talent and passion for language that Bill Walsh devoted his life to and who aspires to pursue the craft of editing the news. Specifics regarding the applications for all the scholarships can be found at the “Apply Here” link below. The Walsh scholarship will […]
Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships for Religion and Ethics
💰 $25,000 Value🏆 20⏳ 11/15
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. In the current Newcombe competition, at least 20 non-renewable […]
Chinese American Association of Minnesota (CAAM) Scholarships
💰 $1,000 Value🏆⏳ 11/15🧾
Merit and need scholarships of $1000 each are available for college and graduate students of Chinese descent and a resident of Minnesota. Applicants will be evaluated on their academic records, leadership qualities, and community service.
The program provides an opportunity for professionals to pursue scholarly research in an interdisciplinary manner across traditional boundaries in areas of interest to the international (art and cultural heritage) conservation community. Applications are welcome from conservators, scientists, architects, and professionals who have attained distinction in conservation and related fields. Applicants should have at least five […]
One $2000 scholarship available to undergraduate industrial engineering students who are U.S. citizens who have graduated from a U.S. high school and who currently have a class standing above the freshman level in an ABET accredited IE program.
IISE’s scholarship and fellowship program is in place to recognize graduate and undergraduate industrial engineering students for academic excellence and campus leadership. The awards are valued up to $4,000. Scholarships available to undergraduate students enrolled in any school in the United States and its territories, Canada, and Mexico, provided: the school’s industrial engineering program or […]