Maryland Dent-Care Loan Assistance Repayment Program
💰 Amount Varies🏆⏳ 08/31
Provides assistance for repayment of loan debt to Maryland dentists working with under-served populations. Must be a Maryland resident. Must have graduated from an accredited U.S. dental school. Dentists may receive up to $23,740 per year for each year of obligated service up to a maximum of 3 years of service.
The Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship is a one-time, $4,000 scholarship for students who graduate at least one year early from a publicly supported Indiana high school. To claim this scholarship, students must enroll at an eligible Indiana institution no later than the fall semester in the academic year immediately following the year they graduate […]
Morgan Franklin Foundation Financial Independence Scholarship
💰 $500 Value🏆 1⏳ 08/31
Award: $500 (one-time) Eligibility: Open to any student in the United States who has: Become an MFF Fellow prior to applying (Complete MFF’s free Standards of Financial Literacy course here) Not received this scholarship in the past Been accepted into, or currently attending, a post-secondary educational institute (college, trade or vocational school, etc.) Application Process Includes: Completion […]
Each fall, the Oregon Historic Trails Fund awards grants to support projects that interpret, preserve or maintain Oregon’s trail-related resources. Grants may also be awarded for marketing, education, advocacy and research relating to historic trails. Kindly visit the scholarship site for the comprehensive list of requirements and more information.
The scholarships are available to SSA student members enrolled in high school or college in the United States and are designed to support students who in addition to pursuing excellence in their academic studies are also activists for secular values on their campus and/or in their community. SSA membership is FREE to students. In addition […]
The William A. Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarship is available to minority students (defined as black and Hispanic individuals) who intend to pursue, or are currently pursuing, a course of study that would enable them to teach in an accredited school in Indiana. Students must agree in writing to apply for teaching positions in Indiana and, […]
Fellowship supports full-time researchers focusing on policy-relevant and contemporary issues having a comparative or transnational perspective. Applicants must submit proposals for research in the social sciences and related disciplines relevant to at least one of the program’s four themes: (1) Threats to Personal, Societal, and International Security, (2) Growth and Sustainable Development, (3) Social, Scientific, […]
AICHE Minority Scholarship Awards for Incoming College Students
💰 $1,000 Value🏆 15⏳ 09/01📝
The AIChE Minority Scholarship Award is presented to selected incoming college students annually. Applicants shall be required to be high school graduates during the current academic year and be members of a minority group that is under-represented in chemical engineering, i.e., African-American, Hispanic, Native American, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander. Applicants must plan to enroll during […]
Award is $120,000 per year for five years. The Scholar award supports rising stars in the blood cancer research field. You must be a highly qualified investigator who has shown a capacity for independent, sustained, original investigation in the field of hematologic malignancies. You should hold an independent faculty-level position and should have obtained substantial […]
Award is $67,000 per year for 2 or 3 years. Applicant must be a qualified investigator who’s completed a minimum of 2 years of postdoctoral research training and is continuing the research under the research sponsor’s direction. This award is meant to permit you to begin to transition to an independent research program. The eligibility […]