Nellie Yeoh Whetten Award
One-time award for registered female graduate student in sciences and technologies studies of interest to the AVS at an accredited academic institution.
One-time award for registered female graduate student in sciences and technologies studies of interest to the AVS at an accredited academic institution.
Scholarship to assist women with transportation, child-care, tutoring, educational materials, and/or other support services. Must be pursuing education or job training beyond high school. Preference given to highly motivated, self-supporting, low-income women completing a first undergraduate degree or certificate program.
Award for registered graduate students in the sciences and technologies studies of interest to AVS in an accredited academic institution. More information can be found at
Renewable scholarships for members of Canadian Knights of Columbus councils and their children who are entering first year of study for baccalaureate degree. Based on academic excellence. Award not limited to Fourth Degree members.
The Lisa Higgins Hussman Scholarship supports students with autism attending two or four year universities, life skills or postsecondary programs, or vocational, technical, or trade schools. Hussman applicants typically make up the pool of talented students who face daily challenges related to autism and attend programs that assist in skill-building, job-readiness, and other transition-related skills.
The New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium awards typically two fellowships per semester for research-based graduate study in NASA-related disciplines at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH. NASA-related disciplines cover a broad spectrum of fields, including (but not exclusively): physics, space physics, astrophysics, science education, computer science, engineering, Earth science, and life sciences which […]
In 2008, OAR introduced the Schwallie Family Scholarship to support the post-secondary, undergraduate education of qualified individuals with an autism spectrum diagnosis. Schwallie Family Scholarships are supported through generous gifts from the family of former Board member, Ed Schwallie. Any individual with an established autism diagnosis and who will be attending an accredited post-secondary institution […]
The scholarship program seeks to widen the opportunities for underrepresented populations to attend marketing doctoral programs. Up to five $1000 scholarships will be granted to students currently enrolled in PhD programs. Past applicants are strongly encouraged to reapply. All applicants must meet the following requirements: They must be from one of the following populations: African […]
Awards will be given to current and incoming students attending any institute of higher learning. Must have been a member of the Alberta 4-H Program and be a Canadian citizen. Must be a resident of Alberta.
For over two decades, The Husband and Wife Law Team at Breyer Law Offices, P.C. has represented residents of the Phoenix area and throughout the state of Arizona. Our firm has a very strong connection to our community, which is why we’re excited to offer not one – but two $1,000 scholarships. One of our […]