Second and third year periodontal residents in United States programs at the time of the application deadline are eligible to apply. Applicants must be citizens of the United States. The award is geared to periodontal residents or recent graduates who have completed original research and produced a manuscript that potentially advances clinical therapies in periodontal […]
Dr. Juan D. Villarreal/Hispanic Dental Association Foundation
💰 $1,000 Value🏆 3⏳ 06/01📝🧾
Scholarship offered to Hispanic U.S. students who have been accepted into or are currently enrolled in an accredited dental or dental hygiene program in the state of Texas. Scholarship will obligate the grantees to complete the current year of their dental or dental hygiene program. Scholastic achievement, leadership skills, community service and commitment to improving […]
This award honors young professionals working within the field of entomology who have demonstrated innovation through contributions within any area of specialization (research, teaching, extension, product development, public service, etc.). The nominee must be a current ESA member, and must be between two and ten years past the last degree (B.S., M.S. or Ph.D.) obtained […]
Applicant should be enrolled in a nationally accredited nursing program. Must be in associate, baccalaureate, or master’s degree nursing programs or doctoral programs. Preference given to nurse researchers from South Florida.
Eleanor Bindrum Scholarship Fund (District 5 Charitable Trust)
💰 Amount Varies🏆⏳ 06/01🧾
Eligibility Requirements: (1) Be enrolled in a nationally accredited nursing program, either through ACEN or CCNE accreditation; (2) Have completed at least one (1) semester in current nursing program by the deadline; (3) Have resided in Florida for at least one (1) year and must reside in Florida throughout the term of the scholarship; (4) […]
The International Literacy Association’s Elva Knight Research Grant provides a grant (up to US$5,000) for promising research that addresses significant questions for the discipline of reading/literacy research and practice. The grant is intended to provide researchers with the opportunity to develop important perspectives on the reading/literacy field. All applicants must be current members of the […]
The nominee must be an ESA student member, who is pursuing course work leading to a graduate degree with a focus in entomology (individuals may receive the award providing that they have not graduated more than 12 months prior to the time the award is to be presented); is an ESA member (student or regular) […]
Competition for outstanding students planning careers in golf course management. Must be full-time college undergraduates currently enrolled in a two-year or more accredited program related to golf course management and have completed one year of program. Must be member of GCSAA.
These undergraduate scholarships (15 scholarships ranging from $500-$3800 each are available annually) are awarded to members of Delta Sigma Pi in good standing who are enrolled in undergraduate studies. These scholarships are made possible by the Beta Chapter Scholarship Funds, Melvin Wolfe Fund and the many donors and supporters of Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation. […]