Zandax Scholarship

🏆 Available: 8
💰 $1,000
⏳ Varies

Scholarship Description

There’s no doubt that being a student nowadays is tough, especially when it comes to finances. Many students get a part-time job – but this often isn’t enough and many still resort to borrowing money from family or good friends … or even banks. But many students are dropping out altogether…

This must be addressed, and a great way to receive extra funding is through a scholarship. So to relieve some of the pressure and help students with their finances, at ZandaX, we are offering a great scholarship program.

Scholarship details

The ZandaX scholarship comprises $1,000 in annual awards (divided into two application periods) for high school, college, university, and trade school students.

Awards are available to citizens of the US, Canada, UK, and all English-speaking countries worldwide

There’s no specific course of study required, and you can use the money in the way you feel benefits your studies the most.

Scholarship entries can be made in either video or blog article format.

For each application period, we will select 2 video entry winners and 2 blog article winners. Video entry winners will be awarded $200 each, and blog article winners will be awarded $50 each.

Scholarship deadlines

The award rolls on each year, with the following deadlines:

Application deadline 1 – June 30

Application period 2 – December 31

If you miss a deadline, just submit and you’ll be entered for the next award.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Type of institution award is open to: two-year college
  • Type of institution award is open to: four-year college
  • Type of institution award is open to: trade/technical school

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Essay or Video submission required

How To Apply


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Donor: Zandax

ZandaX is the premiere brand for high-quality courses that are geared to results: results that take your knowledge, understanding, and ability to completely new levels.
