Winifred Goldring Award

🏆 Available: 3
💰 $2,000
⏳ 04/15

Scholarship Description

The award is named for Winifred Goldring, a pioneering woman paleontologist, who became State Paleontologist of New York State in 1939, and the first female president of the Paleontological Society in 1949. The award is presented to an outstanding graduate female student interested in pursuing a career in paleontology.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be Female
  • Award is available to U.S. citizens
  • Award is available to Canadian citizens
  • Award is available to citizens of countries other than the U.S. and Canada.

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Transcript required
  • Special requirements exist (These are specified in text.)
  • Personal Statement, Curriculum Vitae

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG)

The Association for Women Geoscientists is an international organization devoted to enhancing the quality and level of participation of women in geosciences and to introduce girls and young women to geoscience careers.
