Sonnedecker Prize

🏆 Available:
💰 $1,000
⏳ 07/01

Scholarship Description

Established in 2015, the Glenn Sonnedecker Prize honors the contributions of Glenn Sonnedecker to the field of the history of pharmacy and aims to encourage research in subjects central to his work. The Sonnedecker Prize is awarded annually for the best original article published during the previous year on the history of some facet of pharmacy practice or pharmacy education in the United States (including the Colonial Period). Submissions from multiple authors will be accepted.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Award is available to U.S. citizens
  • Award is available to Canadian citizens
  • Award is available to citizens of countries other than the U.S. and Canada.

Application Requirements

  • Application form required

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy

The primary aim of the institute is documentation and preservation of pharmacy’s heritage. It serves as a consultant to professional associations, teachers, libraries, museums, pharmacy schools, communications media, and scholars in the field.
