S.C. Hollander Best Retailing Paper Competition

🏆 Available:
💰 $150
⏳ Rolling

Scholarship Description

The Stanley C. Hollander Best Retailing Paper Award is awarded to the best full paper on a topic related to retailing or services marketing. The award is named in honor of Dr. Stanley C. Hollander. Stan held academic positions at the University of Buffalo, the University of Minnesota, the University of Pennsylvania and Michigan State University. His interests included consumer behavior, marketing and retailing, and public policy.  Stan will forever be linked to The Wheel of Retailing.

Eligibility Requirements: All papers submitted to the conference, with the exception of papers submitted to special sessions, are eligible for the Stanley C. Hollander Best Retailing Paper Award. The awarded paper can come from any track.

Winner Selection Process: Winners are selected through a process overseen by the conference Program Chair(s). At the discretion of the Program Chair(s), a subcommittee may assist in the selection process.  Papers are nominated for the award by reviewers through the competitive review process. The selected paper need not have been submitted to a specific “Services” or “Retailing” track.

Winner Recognition:  Winners are awarded a certificate in addition to a $150* check drawn from a U.S. bank.

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Entry in a contest required

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: Academy of Marketing Science Foundation

The Academy of Marketing Science Foundation is an international, scholarly, professional organization. It is dedicated to promoting high standards and excellence in the creation and dissemination of marketing knowledge and the furtherance of marketing practice through a role of leadership within the discipline of marketing around the world.
