Paffenbarger-Blair Fund for Epidemiological Research on Physical Activity

🏆 Available:
💰 $10,000
⏳ 01/22

Scholarship Description

The intent of the Paffenbarger-Blair Fund is to encourage researchers early in their career to become involved with physical activity epidemiology. The applications may focus on observational studies of physical activity and health outcomes, or on randomized controlled trials that are clearly focused on physical activity and important public health issues. Applicants are expected to apply within two (2) years of receiving a postgraduate degree or completion of clinical training. The award will be in the amount of $10,000 for a one year period.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Award is available to U.S. citizens
  • Award is available to Canadian citizens
  • Award is available to citizens of countries other than the U.S. and Canada.

Application Requirements

  • Application form required

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: American College of Sports Medicine

A nonprofit organization that advances and integrates scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine.
