Mesopotamian Fellowship

🏆 Available:
💰 $9,000
⏳ 04/30

Last year this scholarship received 5 applicant(s). $ was awarded to applicant(s).

Scholarship Description

Fellowship provides $9000 for one three-to-six month period of research. This fellowship is primarily intended to support field/research in ancient Mesopotamian civilization carried out in the Middle East, but other research projects such as museum or archival research related to ancient Mesopotamian studies may also be considered. Predoctoral students and postdoctoral scholars from any country are invited to apply.

Application Requirements

  • Application form required

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: Hoover Presidential Foundation

The Hoover Presidential Foundation promotes and supports the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum, National Historic Site, and programs that relate to and enhance the understanding of Herbert Hoover as president and humanitarian.
