John L. Imhoff Scholarship

🏆 Available: 2
💰 $1,000
⏳ 11/15

Scholarship Description

Available to a student pursuing an industrial engineering degree who, by academic, employment and/or professional achievements, has made noteworthy contributions to the development of the industrial engineering profession through international understanding. Note that IISE membership is not required. Must have an overall point-hour average of 3.40.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 3.0 Minimum GPA
  • Type of institution award is open to: four-year college
  • Award is available to U.S. citizens

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Essay required

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: Institute of Industrial Engineers

A professional society dedicated solely to the support of the industrial engineering profession and individuals involved with improving quality and productivity. IIE is an international, nonprofit association.
