IDA Fellowship Award

🏆 Available:
💰 Amount Varies
⏳ 07/15

Scholarship Description

The IDA Fellowship Program goal is to increase expertise in desalination practice across the globe through collaborative, innovative research. Awarded to young industry professionals (6-10 years work experience), the Fellowship prioritizes information exchange between established organizations in the water industry and experts in the desalination and water reuse field, furthering IDAs mission of promoting knowledge sharing and sustainable desalination and water reuse practices on a global scale. The IDA Fellowship Program gives recipients the opportunity to work alongside a host agency, and generally lasts 6-8 weeks, with the fellowships experience and findings presented to the IDA community. Organizations and agencies are encouraged to apply by contacting [email protected] today, with applications due July 15. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Eligibility Requirements

  • Type of institution award is open to: two-year college
  • Type of institution award is open to: four-year college

Application Requirements

  • Application form required

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: International Desalination Association

The International Desalination Association (IDA) is the world’s leading resource for information and professional development for the global desalination industry ‘ and the only global association focused exclusively on desalination and water reuse technologies. IDA is committed to development and promotion of the appropriate use of desalination and desalination technology globally in water supply, water reuse, water pollution control, water purification, water treatment and other water sciences and technology. IDA carries out this mission by encouraging research, promoting and exchanging communication, disseminating information, and supporting education in the field of desalination and water sciences. A non-profit association, IDA is associated with the United Nations as part of a growing international network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
