Associate Degree Nursing Scholarship Program

🏆 Available: 1
💰 $8,000
⏳ 02/22

Scholarship Description

HCAI works to increase and diversify California’s healthcare workforce through the Healthcare Workforce Development Division (HWDD). The Associate Degree Nursing Scholarship Program (ADNSP) increases the number of appropriately trained nurses providing direct patient care in a qualified facility in California. 

Those awarded the Associate Degree Nursing Scholarship may receive up to $8,000 for one year of school.  If awarded, recipients agree to twelve (12) month service obligation practicing full-time, direct patient care at a qualified facility in California. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Type of institution award is open to: two-year college
  • Award is available to U.S. citizens
  • Award is available to Canadian citizens
  • Award is available to citizens of countries other than the U.S. and Canada.

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Transcript required
  • Essay required
  • Special requirements exist (These are specified in text.)
  • Personal Statements, Tax Return

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: Health Professions Education Foundation

Foundation offers scholarship and loan repayment programs to students and graduates pursuing a health professions career.
