Doodle for Google Scholarship

🏆 Available: 50
💰 $55,000
⏳ 03/14

Scholarship Description

Doodle for Google Scholarship

How to enter the Doodle for Google Scholarship 

We’re excited to see some strong doodles this year! Students can work with any materials they want, but all doodles must be entered using the entry form. Parents and teachers can mail us the completed entry form or submit it online as a .png, or .jpg. Here’s some information to help you get started with the Doodle for Google Scholarship:

  1. Download or print the entry form.
  2. Doodle:Artists create their Doodles using any materials they want. From crayons to clay to found objects.
  3. Write:
    1. Artist’s statement – Tell us about what you have drawn and how it represents your inner strength.
    2. Fill out the rest of the required information and have a parent or guardian sign the entry form.
  4. Submit:
    1. Enter the contest online (recommended) or by mail.
    2. Entry form doodles: If the doodle is created directly on our entry form, you can either upload them to our site as a .jpg or .png (visit the enter tab) or mail them in (address listed on the enter tab).
    3. Other doodles: If the doodle wasn’t created directly on our entry form, take a high-res digital photo or scan of the doodle in good lighting and combine it with the entry form.

Judging criteria for the Doodle for Google Scholarship

Doodles will be judged on the following parameters:

  1. Artistic merit: Based on artistic skill
  2. Creativity: Representation of the contest theme, use of the letters in the Google logo, and the unique approach to the doodle
  3. Theme communication: How well the contest theme is expressed in both the artwork and the written statement

Doodles will be grouped and judged by the following 5 grade groups:

  • Grades K-3
  • Grades 4-5
  • Grades 6-7
  • Grades 8-9
  • Grades 10-12

Finalists will be judged on a state-by-state basis as described below.

  1. State and Territory Winners: 10 or more winners for each grade group, 54 in total
  2. National Finalists:1 finalist for each grade group, 5 in total
  3. National Winner: Featured on

Competition levels

Fifty-Four State and Territory Winners – The Guest Judges and Google Doodlers will select the best doodle from each of the 50 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands as the State and Territory Winners. These 54 State and Territory Winners will be displayed in an online gallery on the Doodle for Google website.

Five National Finalists – For a period of 5 days the U.S. public will vote for their favorite doodle from the 54 State and Territory Winners. These votes will help determine the National Finalists.

One National Winner – A panel of Google executives will choose one of the five National Finalists and announce the National Winner in June.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must currently be in high school
  • Award is available to U.S. citizens
  • Award is available to citizens of countries other than the U.S. and Canada.

Application Requirements

  • Special requirements exist (These are specified in text.)
  • Doodle!

How To Apply


Apply Online 🖨️ Print Scholarship

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Donor: Google Inc.