California Scottish Rite Foundation Scholarships

🏆 Available:
💰 Amount Varies
⏳ 04/30

Scholarship Description

Over $200,000 in college scholarships are provided each year to more than 100 deserving California students to assist with the pursuit of an undergraduate or graduate degree. The California Scottish Rite Foundation places a strong emphasis on education and scholarships are provided for degrees in many fields including engineering, foreign service, forestry, medicine, public school administration, public service, and speech and language pathology.The Foundation provides scholarships to fully accredited Colleges or Universities nationwide through six primary scholarship funds including; the Baldwin Scholarship, Harry Lister Scholarship, Lester W. Miller Scholarship, Ruppert Scholarship, Special Scholarship Program and the William F. Stovall Scholarship.Applicants must all be California residents and meet specific criteria for minimum number of units enrolled, overall grade point average, part-time employment requirements, and field of study.The Foundation takes pride in partnering with students who wish to pursue higher education by acquiring either an undergraduate or graduate degree. We are proud to make an investment in tomorrow’s future leaders.To see specific eligibility and application requirements per scholarship fund, visit California Scottish Rite Foundation’s website. (

Eligibility Requirements

  • Type of institution award is open to: two-year college
  • Type of institution award is open to: four-year college

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Transcript required
  • Recommendations or references required
  • Special requirements exist (These are specified in text.)
  • Letter of introduction, Study Plan

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: California Scottish Rite Foundation

The California Scottish Rite foundation is dedicated to supporting children by providing childhood language services, scholarships and other charitable and educational programs.
