Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California Scholarship

🏆 Available:
💰 $500
⏳ 03/15

Scholarship Description

Applicants must be graduating California high school seniors of Portuguese heritage and American citizenship, with an overall 3.5 GPA.

For more info, visit the scholarship webpage.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 3.5 Minimum GPA
  • Must currently be in high school
  • Type of institution award is open to: two-year college
  • Type of institution award is open to: trade/technical school
  • Award is available to U.S. citizens

Application Requirements

  • Application form required

How To Apply


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Donor: Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California Inc.

The Cabrillo Civic Clubs, Inc. were organized in San Francisco (January 1934; chartered December 19, 1934) by Californians of Portuguese descent who were proud that a Portuguese mariner had discovered their state and concerned that this fact was not widely known. The Clubs’ early efforts to promote the fame of Joao Rodrigues Cabrilho resulted in the establishment (1935) of a statewide annual Cabrillo Day (Sept. 28) and the creation of a Cabrillo National Monument at Point Loma (1935).

Today there are 9 clubs state wide with over 1,975 members. Subsequently, the Clubs succeeded in having State Highway 1 christened the “Cabrillo Highway ” (1957) and in fostering the issue of a U.S. postal stamp in the explorer’s honor (1992). Since World War II, the Clubs have also been known for many charitable activities, including: blood drives; fund raising for polio and cancer research; assisting candidates for U.S. citizenship; and, providing college scholarships for students of Portuguese descent. The Cabrillo Civic Clubs, Inc. also foster an interest in their communities in Portuguese customs and lore through sponsorship of various special events such as the annual San Diego Cabrillo Festival (last week of September); Portuguese Immigrant Week (first week of March); and, local “Festas Portuguesas” (generally starting around May 20).

Today the members continue to be dedicated to civic progress, observe Cabrillo Day (September 28) to erect and maintain appropriate memorials, to teach and foster Americanization, to promote scholarships and encourage better education with active campus youth programs, to expand civic affairs in charity and community service and perpetuate the achievements of their pioneer forefathers in this Golden State.
