Archie Motley Memorial Scholarship for Students of Color

🏆 Available: 2
💰 $750
⏳ 03/01

Scholarship Description

Purpose: To provide financial assistance to minority students pursuing graduate education in archival administration and to encourage ethnic diversification of the Midwest Archives Conference and of the archival profession as a whole.

The award includes scholarship of $750 and complimentary 1-year membership to MAC.

The applicant must be a student of African, American Indian, Asian or Pacific Islander, or Latinx descent and currently enrolled in a graduate, multi-course program in archival administration or accepted into such a program for the next academic year. The applicant must also be either a resident of the MAC region or registered in a qualified program, onsite or online, that is based in the MAC region.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 3.0 Minimum GPA
  • Must be American Indian/Alaska Native
  • Must be Asian/Pacific Islander
  • Must be Black, African American
  • Must be Hispanic, Latino/a

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Transcript required
  • Essay required
  • Recommendations or references required

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: Midwest Archives Conference

Regional professional association for archivists. Also includes a variety of corporate, government, religious, and university archives, as well as historical societies and other manuscripts repositories and special collections.
