Aqqaluk Trust Scholarship

🏆 Available:
💰 Amount Varies
⏳ N/A

Scholarship Description

The Aqqaluk Trust is a 501 c(3) non-profit organization named in honor of our founder Robert “Aqqaluk” Newlin, Sr.  Born & raised in Northwest Alaska, he dedicated his life to preserving the culture and the land of the Iñupiat.  He believed that the success of future generations depended on the best of both worlds: preservation of the ways of their ancestors and education in modern skills and technologies.  Today the Aqqaluk Trust continues the mission of Robert Aqqaluk Newlin which was always encouraging young people to continue with their education and to bring their skills and knowledge back to their people.

Eligible Applicants must be:

  • A NANA Shareholder, descendent or dependent
  • A High School Diploma or GED scores Certificate of Completion
  • At least a 2.0 Cumulative GPA
  • Enrolled or accepted for admittance at a post-secondary educational institution or vocational school that maintains a regular faculty & established curriculum, and has an organized body of students in attendance.

Scholarship application deadlines for the fall semester is on August 1, and January 10 for the spring semester.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Type of institution award is open to: two-year college
  • Type of institution award is open to: four-year college
  • Type of institution award is open to: trade/technical school
  • Must be American Indian/Alaska Native
  • Award is available to U.S. citizens

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Recommendations or references required
  • Special requirements exist (These are specified in text.)
  • Entry in a contest required
  • high school diploma (or GED scores certificate of completion)

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: NANA (Northwest Alaska Native Association) Regional Corporation

A diverse corporation specializes in mining and management services to engineering and government contracting.