Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research in the History of the Western Hemisphere

🏆 Available:
💰 $1,500
⏳ 02/15

Scholarship Description

The American Historical Association offers the Albert J. Beveridge Grants to support research in the history of the Western Hemisphere (United States, Canada, and Latin America). These modest annual grants are intended to further research in progress and may be used for travel to a library or archive, for microfilms, photographs, or photocopying—a list of purposes that is meant to be merely illustrative, not exhaustive (other expenses, such as child care, can be included). Preference will be given to advanced doctoral students, non-tenured faculty, and unaffiliated scholars, and to those with specific research needs, such as the completion of a project or a discrete segment thereof.

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Essay required
  • Special requirements exist (These are specified in text.)
  • CV, Bibliography

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: American Historical Association

The American Historical Association (AHA) was founded in 1884 and incorporated by Congress in 1889 to serve the broad field of history. It encompasses every historical period and geographical area and serves professional historians in all areas of employment.
