Scholarship Description
The ACI Foundation Scholarship awards full-time graduate students, who are in their first or second year of study in a concrete-related field, a $5,000 educational stipend for tuition, residence, books, and materials; as well as appropriate recognition in Concrete International magazine and on the Foundation website. This scholarship, established by the ACI Foundation’s Scholarship Council, receives funding through generous contributions by members of ACI. This award is granted based on the availability of contributions received. The ACI Foundation offers scholarships for eligible graduate students whose studies relate to concrete. Applicants must submit their contact and educational information; resume; 500-word essay discussing their interest in the concrete industry; official transcripts; and two endorsements in terms of the applicant’s potential for growth, character, leadership capacity and career interest. One endorser must be an ACI member and non-student, while the other should be an employer (if possible) or professor.
Eligibility Requirements
- Award is available to U.S. citizens
- Award is available to Canadian citizens
- Award is available to citizens of countries other than the U.S. and Canada.
Application Requirements
- Application form required
- Transcript required
- Essay required
- Recommendations or references required
- Entry in a contest required
- Resume Required
How To Apply
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A nonprofit organization formed within the American Concrete Institute (ACI) which receives, administers and expends funds for educational research and scientific purposes.