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New York State Aid to Native Americans

Award for enrolled members of a New York State tribe and their children who are attending or planning to attend a New York State college and who are New York State residents. Deadlines: July 16 for the fall semester, January 4 for the spring semester, and May 20 for summer session.

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NSF International Scholar Program

Award available for college junior or senior in an AEHAP Environmental Health Academic Program. Student will spend summer on an independent research project in conjunction with their home university and NSF International and the AEHAP Office. Must have consent and commitment from advisor to help develop and oversee research project. Stipend will be paid in […]

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Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant Program

Award for Oklahoma residents enrolled at an Oklahoma institution at least part time each semester in a degree program. May be enrolled in two- or four-year or approved vocational-technical institution. Award for students attending public institutions or private colleges. Application is made through FAFSA.

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Optimist International Essay Contest

Award for full-time students attending West Virginia institutions, pursuing a degree in engineering, science, or technology. Must be a resident of West Virginia. Must have a 3.0 GPA, and after graduation, must work in the fields of engineering, science, or technology in West Virginia one year for each year the award was received or be […]

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Oregon Native American Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

Scholarships available to Native American students studying in Oregon. Must verify Native American status and be actively involved in the Native American community.

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PoP’ay Scholarship

Scholarship for members of Pueblo of San Juan tribe pursuing their first Associate or Baccalaureate degree. Must complete a minimum of 20 hours of community service within the San Juan Pueblo. Scholarship value is $2500. Seventeen awards are granted. Deadlines: December 30 for spring, April 30 for summer, and June 30 for fall.

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Prospective Clinical Research Grant

Several grants available to individuals at U.S. medical training centers for promising prospective clinical research projects. Grants of $50,000 per year renewable for up to three years.

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Regional University Baccalaureate Scholarship

Renewable award for Oklahoma residents attending one of 11 participating Oklahoma public universities. Must have an ACT composite score of at least 30 or be a National Merit semifinalist or commended student. In addition to the award amount, each recipient will receive a resident tuition waiver from the institution. Must maintain a 3.25 GPA. Deadlines […]

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Robert S. McNamara Fellowship

The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program provides support to researchers from eligible developing countries, under 46 years of age, working in academic and research institutions in their country, enrolled in a PhD program outside of their country, and preparing a doctoral thesis. The field of research should be related to development issues. Research grants cover […]

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Sallie Mae&@W Make College Happen Challenge

Students are challenged to creatively answer the question, ‘How do you plan to pay for college?’ Entries can be in the form of a video, photo, essay, song, or poem (be creative!). Answer a few questions, then either share a link to your creative entry or upload it.

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