AICPA/Accountemps Student Scholarship is one of four awards provided through the AICPA Legacy Scholars program. All applications must be completed and submitted by the deadline to be considered. Students interested in being considered for more than one AICPA Legacy Scholarship award need only complete one application–applicants will be evaluated for all awards for which they […]
Air Products Women in Gases and Welding Scholarship
π° $2,500 Valueπβ³ 03/01π 2.5
Awarded to a female pursing higher education in a welding or engineering discipline, who has proven to be an exceptional student and is eager to start her career in the industry. The student must be a U.S. citizen, a full time student with a 2.5 overall GPA, and pursuing a two-year or four-year degree at […]
Awarded to full-time undergraduate pursuing a minimum four-year degree in welding engineering or welding engineering technology. Applicant must be a minimum of 18 years of age and have at least a 2.8 overall grade point average with a 3.0 grade point average in engineering courses. Priority will be given to those individuals residing or attending […]
Award for a full-time undergraduate pursuing a minimum four-year degree in welding engineering or welding engineering technology. Must have a minimum 2.8 overall GPA with a 3.0 GPA in engineering courses. Priority given to applicants residing or attending school in Florida, Georgia, or Alabama. Financial need is not required; however, priority will be given to […]
The Luso-American Education Foundation has administered and awarded scholarships and grants to eligible students since its inception in 1963. LAEF has granted over $1,700,000 in scholarships and grants throughout the years and continues to serve its community through its scholarship and grant program. Albert & Catherine Vieira Memorial Scholarship is a one-time non-renewable scholarship for […]
The Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., State of Delaware Althea W. Armstrong Scholarship was established to assist minority female graduating high school seniors pursue their goal for higher education. Scholarship funds are awarded to the successful candidate(s) who is/are able to exemplify Scholarship, Leadership, and Community Service. Eligibility Requirements: ο· Minimum GPA of 3.0 on […]
The ACS Scholars Program awards renewable scholarships to undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups in the chemical sciences, majoring in chemistry-related disciplines, and intending to pursue chemistry-related careers. Selected recipients are awarded up to $5,000* per academic year. The ACS Scholars Program is open to: U.S. citizens or a legal permanent U.S. residents (please inquire […]
American Chemical Society, Rubber Division Undergraduate Scholarship
π° $5,000 Valueπ 2β³ 03/01π 3.0
Rubber Division, ACS offers two $5,000 Undergraduate Scholarships to students entering their junior or senior year for the fall-spring academic year. In addition, the former Connecticut Rubber Group offers a $5,000 Russell Mazzeo Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship. This award serves to honor the dedication to education and Rubber Division, ACS that Russ showed during his nearly […]
The American Indian Endowed Scholarship (AIES) helps financially needy students with close social and cultural ties to an American Indian community in the state of Washington. Students can use the scholarships at public colleges and many independent colleges in Washington. The program prioritizes upper division and graduate level students, however, all applicants receive award consideration. […]
American Institute of Bangladesh Studies Junior Fellowships
π° Amount Variesπβ³ 03/01
Two- to twelve-month fellowships awarded to US scholars with an interest of topics related to Bangladesh. Junior Fellowships will be equivalent to $1150 per month. Those who have passed the PhD exams and entered PhD candidacy are eligible. Applicant must be in the data collection and/or writing stage of their dissertation. S/he must also be […]