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Mary York Scholarship Fund

Need criteria for the Mary York Scholarship Fund is not restricted at this time.

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Max R. and Irene Rubenstein Memorial Grant

Each year, the Jewish War Veterans of the USA sponsors an essay contest for current service members and veterans who plan to attend or are currently attending an accredited Associates, Bachelor’s, Nursing, or Graduate degree program. The National Achievement Program is open to anyone regardless of race, religion, creed, or culture. All veterans are eligible […]

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Minnesota American Legion Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship available to Minnesota residents who are descendants of a Veteran member or of Auxiliary member. One-time award of $500 for study at a Minnesota institution or neighboring state with reciprocating agreement. See web site for application information http://www.mnlegion.org.

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Minnesota Indian Scholarship

The Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program provides postsecondary financial assistance to eligible Minnesota resident students who are of one-fourth or more American Indian ancestry and demonstrate financial need for an award. Scholarships are available to eligible American Indian undergraduate students enrolled at least 3/4 time and graduate students enrolled at least half time. The award amount […]

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Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program

This is a scholarship designed to assist academically talented minority and underrepresented individuals pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in an environmental course of study that will lead to employment in a field that is clearly environmentally related. The Minority Environmental Literacy Advisory Committee selects recipients based on the degree to which applicants’ education, activities […]

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Morton B. Duggan, Jr. Memorial Education Recognition Award

The Morton B. Duggan, Jr. Memorial Education Recognition Award is awarded to a student currently enrolled in an accredited respiratory care education program. Preference given to candidates from Georgia and South Carolina. The American Respiratory Care Foundation may award up to $1,000 in memory of Morton B. Duggan, Jr. Applicants/nominees are accepted from all states, […]

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Mugget Scholarship

Each year Mugget Growers of America (MGA) participants meet at the American Nursery & Landscape Association’s (ANLA) Management Clinic to discuss important plant issues regarding the development of a new plant called “Mugget”. These Mugget supporters hope to help aspiring students from across the country obtain a degree in horticulture with this one $1,000 scholarship. […]

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NAAE Upper Division Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, each applicant must be: (1) an agricultural education major that will be completing his or her student teaching in a college or university that offers a program of study in agricultural education; (2) majoring in agricultural education with intentions to become an agriculture teacher; (3) a student member of […]

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NACBS Dissertation Year Fellowships

The NACBS DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIP is awarded to support dissertation research in the British Isles on any topic of British (including Scottish, Irish and Imperial) history or British Studies. The Fellowship consists of a $10,000 stipend. Two runners-up will receive a $5,000 travel grant. Each advisor may nominate one candidate enrolled in a Ph.D. program in […]

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NBRC Gareth B. Gish, MS, RRT Memorial Postgraduate Education Recognition Award

The American Respiratory Care Foundation and the National Board for Respiratory Care awards up to $5,000 in memory of Gareth B. Gish, MS, RRT to a respiratory therapist pursuing postgraduate education leading to an advanced degree. The award consists of a certificate of recognition, coach airfare, one night’s lodging, and registration for AARC Congress. May […]

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