National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program
💰 $27,500 Value🏆 35⏳ 10/08🧾
The Dissertation Fellowship Program seeks to encourage a new generation of scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. These $27,500 fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history, theory, analysis, or practice of formal or […]
The Non-Trivial Fellowship enables talented young people to tackle crucial social issues. If you’re accepted, you’ll join an 8-week online program, with expert guidance to get you making a difference right away. You’ll also: • Join a dedicated community and develop meaningful friendships for life • Receive a $500 scholarship and will be eligible for $30,000 in funding • Get access […]
Awards to enhance student research training using in vitro or alternative techniques to replace the use of animals in toxicology research, either for graduate students or to institutions for research internships. The proposal will include a budget of up to $3,750 to defray travel, per diem, training expenses, and research costs.
Colgate-Palmolive Postdoctoral Fellowship in In Vitro Toxicology
💰 Amount Varies🏆⏳ 10/09🧾
The Colgate-Palmolive Company sponsors the Colgate-Palmolive Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in In Vitro Toxicology through the Society of Toxicology to advance the development of alternatives to animal testing in toxicological research. The award is given annually and includes stipend and research-related costs (up to $44,000) for one year. Postdoctoral trainees in their first year of study […]
Award of $1000 for the students who have completed their education or research in green chemistry. The scholarship provides national recognition for outstanding student contributions to furthering the goals of green chemistry through research or education.
Florida Environmental Health Association Educational Scholarship Awards
💰 $500 Value🏆⏳ 10/10📓 2.5
Scholarships offered to students interested in pursuing a career in the field of environmental health, or to enhance an existing career in environmental health. Applicant must be a member of FEHA in good standing. Minimum scholarship is $500.
Intended to provide one year of support for students studying towards a mental health or mental health-related qualification. Eligible courses of study include: nursing, psychology, health, health administration or a recognized qualification aligned with the Pacific Island mental health priority areas. Applicants should be New Zealand citizens or hold residency in New Zealand at the […]
Three-year fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis to graduates of medical and graduate schools in the biological sciences holding MD, PhD, DVM or DDS degrees. Awards will be based solely on the quality of the individual applicant’s previous accomplishments, and on the merit of the proposal for postdoctoral research. All U.S. citizens are […]
Grants support American students as they teach English for 7 months in the French school system. Monthly stipend of about 790 euros (net) supports recipient in the life-style of a typical French student. Must be U.S. citizen or a permanent resident (not a French citizen). Proficiency in French is required. May not have received a […]
The award sponsors the participation of students (high school, undergraduate, and graduate students) in an American Chemical Society (ACS) technical meeting, conference or training program, having a significant green chemistry or sustainability component, to expand the students’ education in green chemistry. The applicant must demonstrate research or educational interest in green chemistry. The award amount […]