If you’re a first-generation college student from Oregon, this one’s for you! The Beat the Odds Scholarship was established by a partnership between Stand for Children Oregon and The Renaissance Foundation to support students in Oregon who have succeeded in spite of hardships. To be eligible for this $5,000 scholarship, applicants must reside in Oregon, […]
The Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship
💰 $5,000 Value🏆 15⏳ 09/13📓 3.0📝🧾
In 2007, NHHF started its partnership with the United Health Foundation (UHF), which allowed NHHF to increase the number of scholarships it awarded. NHHF’s partnership with UHF is a unique mentoring program where scholarship recipients are matched with a professional for a one-on-one mentoring program that focuses on their professional growth. As of January 2023, NHHF […]
Every year, our firm grants a $1,000 scholarship to the U.S. college student who creates the best video essay that elaborates on why they want to be a lawyer. For more info, visit the scholarship webpage (https://www.alsandorlaw.com/scholarship-for-college-students/).
The program provides annual scholarship awards to all enrolled Tlingit or Haida tribal members regardless of service area, community affiliation, origination, residence, tribal compact, or signatory status.
California Emergency Nurses Association Scholarship
💰 $1,000 Value🏆 2⏳ 09/15
Scholarships are open to students who are seeking nursing programs. For more info on eligibility requirements, visit California ENA’s website. (https://www.californiaena.org/)
Celgene’s Sol J. Barer Scholarship for Life Sciences
💰 $2,500 Value🏆 6⏳ 09/15📝
Named in honor of Celgene’s former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Sol J. Barer Scholarship in Life Sciences assists high achieving students to prepare for careers in the Life Sciences. Applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student at any ICFNJ member institution; entering either junior or senior year; be majoring in one of […]
CSLA Southern Region recognizes the need for trained and qualified library technicians in Southern California. Therefore the Southern Region of CSLA has established an educational scholarship in the amount of $500 for library paraprofessionals. The purpose is to assist school library paraprofessionals in completing a school library technician/paraprofessional certificate program or obtaining a teaching credential […]
The APS awards a limited number of Daland Fellowships in Clinical Investigation for research in the several branches of clinical medicine, including internal medicine, neurology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery. The committee emphasizes patient-oriented research. The fellowships are designed for qualified persons who have held an M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. degree for fewer than eight years. The […]
The Gates Millennium Scholarship (TGS) is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from low-income households. Each year, the scholarship is awarded to 300 of these student leaders, with the intent of helping them realize their maximum potential. Scholarship Amount Scholars will receive funding for the full cost of attendance* that is not […]