The InspirASIAN Scholarship provides financial assistance to high school seniors from Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. Academically successful students are welcome to apply.
The scholarship fund is an exchange program for print journalists of the Americas. U.S. and Canadians study in Latin America, and Latin Americans study in the United States or Canada. Fluency in Spanish or Portuguese for the former, and in English or French for the latter is mandatory. Applicants must be natives of the Western […]
The Irene and Daisy MacGregor Memorial Scholarship is awarded to two students of high scholastic standing and character who have been accepted into or are pursuing an approved course of study to become a medical doctor (no pre-med, veterinarian or physician assistant) at an approved, accredited medical school. Renewal is conditional upon maintenance of a […]
Scholarship for a graduating high school senior, or undergraduate freshman, sophomore, or junior enrolled in a fully AIST-accredited college or university majoring engineering. Applicant must be in good academic standing. Must be a dependent of an AIST Midwest chapter member. May reapply each year for the duration of college education.
Merit scholarship for certificate or undergraduate students. Must have completed at least one semester in the radiological sciences to apply (does not include prerequisites). Financial need is a factor. Requirements include 3.0 GPA, recommendation and several short answer essays.
Jet Insurance Company invests in the future business leadership of America. This scholarship is for graduating high school seniors and currently enrolled college students who are interested in pursuing a career in business. The Jet Future Business Leaders Scholarship Contest is open to all United States citizens/residents. Applicants must complete all sections of the application […]
Applications from final year PhD students enrolled at one of the following universities will be accepted: California Institute of Technology; University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz); University of Southern California; and Stanford University. DeKarman fellowships are open to PhD students in any discipline, including international students. […]
The Judy Simmons Memorial Scholarship is for female SWE (Society of Women Engineers) members in their second, third, or fourth year of an undergraduate program, or any year of a graduate program in a college or university with an active SWE section in Region G (Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, and the western half of Pennsylvania). […]
The Ken Chagnon Scholarship Program provides grants to individuals who are pursuing technician education in orthotics and prosthetics. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited O&P technician program as well as meet all of the the following criteria: (1) Demonstrate a financial need; (2) Display leadership qualities; (3) Contribute to their own education financially. Students […]
A $2500 scholarship awarded for up to four years to well-qualified, deserving sons and daughters of members of the NSDAR. Outstanding recipients will be considered for an additional period of up to four years of study. Must include DAR member number.