At Robbins Athletics, we love sports, athletic competition, working out, and everything about improving physically. That’s what our business is all about. We’re also really into the academic side of self-improvement. After all, becoming faster, stronger, physically disciplined, more coordinated, and healthier involves a great deal of learning. Going through the often grueling process of […]
The Ron Brown Scholarship honors the legacy of Ronald H. Brown through a selective scholarship program that advances higher education for community-minded and intellectually gifted African Americans. RBSP competitively awards 45 – 50 four-year $40,000 scholarships ($10,000 each year) to the most talented and economically-challenged high school seniors who demonstrate a keen interest in public […]
Samuel and Marion Merrill Graduate Student Travel Grants
💰 $500 Value🏆 5⏳ 12/01📝
Grants to help sponsor the travel-related costs of graduate students who are confirmed as participants on the OAH conference program and who incur expenses traveling to the annual meeting. Five awards of $500 each will be awarded each year. Graduate students who are Ph.D. candidates and who are presenting a paper or serving as a […]
NBF awards grants for investigator-initiated original research in all aspects of blood banking, immunology, hematology, immunohematology, infectious diseases, cellular therapies, and patient blood management. Maximum award per grant is $75,000. An applicant must be a doctor (MD or PhD), medical technologist, transfusion medicine or cellular therapies professional. All applicants will be considered regardless of age, […]
Grant for registered nurses with current license of up to $5,000. Applicant must have a master’s or doctoral degree or be enrolled in a doctoral program. Grant is to encourage qualified nurses to contribute to the advancement of nursing through research. Preference will be given to Sigma Theta Tau members, other qualifications being equal. Applications […]
Grant to a registered nurse with a current license. Must hold a master’s or doctoral degree or be enrolled in a doctoral program. Award to support nursing research in the critical areas of women’s health, oncology, and infant/child care. Must be a member of Sigma Theta Tau International. Some preference given to residents of Illinois, […]
Awards up to $5,000. Registered nurse actively involved in some aspect of healthcare delivery, education or research in a clinical setting can apply. Must have a master’s or doctoral degree or be enrolled in a doctoral program. Must be ready to implement research project when funding is received. Must be a member of Sigma Theta […]
Fellowship awarded for a ten-week term at the Smithsonian. Applicants should be formally enrolled in a graduate program, have completed at least one semester of this program, and not yet been advanced to candidacy if in a PhD program.
Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for less than seven years. Senior Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for seven years or more. The term is 3 to 12 months.
Award for doctoral candidates who have completed course work and examinations. Submit detailed proposal. Must have approval from applicant’s university to conduct research in residence. Term of fellowship is 3 to 12 months. $36,000 annually, research allowance up to $4,000.