One-time award for Indiana high school junior boys who participated in The American Legion Hoosier Boys State Program. Must be nominated by Boys State official while in attendance at Hoosier Boys State. Write for more information and deadline.
Scholarship of $4000 awarded at $1000 per year for four years. Applicants must have a 3.75 GPA, rank in the 90th percentile in both math and critical reading on SAT or composite ACT scores, and pursue an engineering degree accredited by ABET. A 3.0 GPA and continued engineering enrollment must be maintained to renew the […]
This competitive scholarship is available to full-time college students with low vision, chosen from among those who meet the visual acuity and academic guidelines. To qualify to receive a scholarship award, you must be: (1) full-time (12 units undergraduate/ 9 units graduate) college/trade/vocational student for the academic year; (2) minimum cumulative 3.2 Grade Point Average […]
One-time award of $300 given to an undergraduate member of Tau Kappa Epsilon who has demonstrated leadership ability within his chapter, campus, or community. Must be a full-time student in good standing with a GPA of 2.75 or higher. Preference will be given to members from Alpha-Omicron chapter.
The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting offers scholarships each year. We select applicants who strongly demonstrate love of God and their Orthodox Christian Faith, as shown by their involvement and achievements in church, scouting, school, and community, as well as in a short, written statement. Awards are contingent upon acceptance to an accredited 4-year college […]
“Criteria: All of the TKE Foundation leadership and scholarship awards are for the benefit of active collegiate members of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, as of March 15, as defined by The Black Book Article VI Section 2 unless otherwise specified.”
This scholarship is awarded in recognition of academic achievement with a Grade Point Average of at least 3.0 or higher, and recognizes outstanding leadership within the Fraternity, and in civic and religious communities. Preference will first be given to a graduate of the TKE Leadership Academy but, if there is no qualified applicant, the scholarship […]
“Criteria: All of the TKE Foundation leadership and scholarship awards are for the benefit of active collegiate members of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, as of March 15, as defined by The Black Book Article VI Section 2 unless otherwise specified. Chapter involvement, leadership, academic achievement and community volunteer service.”
Gladys Ann Smith Greater Los Angeles Women’s Council Scholarships
π° $10,000 Valueπβ³ 03/15
The recipient of this award will be a student properly enrolled in any curriculum at an accredited institution of higher education who is the child or grandchild of a member of the sea services, to include the United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, United States Coast Guard, and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine. In all other […]
Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation Education Scholarship
π° $3,000 Valueπβ³ 03/15ππ§Ύ
Scholarships are offered to individuals and families living with a bleeding disorder. It is our goal that those living with bleeding disorders have access to educational opportunities that will enhance their lives and prepare them to become self-sufficient and productive members of the workforce. Terms: The Education Scholarship is designed to assist students with a […]