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Florida PTA/PTSA Vocational/Technical Scholarship

Scholarship of $2000 is awarded to graduating senior enrolled full time in a vocational/technical institution within the state of Florida. Must have at least a two-year attendance in a Florida PTA/PTSA high school. Minimum GPA is 2.0.

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Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship

The U.S. Department of State is seeking to attract top tech talent to the Foreign Service that reflects the diversity of the United States. To be eligible, you must: (1) Be enrolled in a degree program relevant to Information Technology at a U.S.-based accredited institution; (2) Hold a minimum 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale […]

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Garden Club of America Hope Goddard Iselin Fellowship in Public Horticulture

$5,000 fellowship for practical research and training at a recognized public garden, botanic garden, arboretum, or other institution directly engaged with connecting people, plants, and gardening within the United States. Open to students enrolled in a graduate-level university program to study public horticulture. Student must confirm ability to conduct research or otherwise utilize facility where […]

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Garden Club of America Montine M. Freeman Scholarship in Native Plant Studies

Purpose:Β To encourage the understanding, development and use of underutilized native plants. Established to encourage the development of research, documentation, and teaching skills in the field of horticulture. $3000 scholarship to support study at an accredited college, university, or major botanic garden or arboretum. Projects may include, but are not restricted to, plant propagation, and the […]

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Garden Club of America Summer Scholarship in Field Botany

Scholarship of $3000 to undergraduate or graduate students up to Master’s level wishing to pursue summer field work in botany. All candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled in a U.S. college or university. Research must be conducted in the Western Hemisphere.

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Graduating High School Senior Scholarship

Available to high school seniors graduating between January 1 and June 30 of the current academic year from high schools in California with a PTA/PTSA unit in good standing. Must be a California resident. Must have volunteered in the school and community volunteer service.

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Grand Lodge of Iowa Masonic Scholarship Program

The Grand Lodge of Iowa, A.F. & A.M., located at 813 First Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, will be awarding up to sixty scholarships to high school seniors who will graduate this academic year from a public high school within the state of Iowa. The exact dollar amount of each scholarship will depend upon the size […]

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Guiliano Mazzetti Scholarship Award

One-time award available to full-time students enrolled in a degree program in manufacturing engineering or technology in the United States or Canada. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required.

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Guthrie-Koch Scholarship

Scholarships are open to any college-age young person with PKU who is on diet treatment and is not in graduate school (the scholarship is now open only to undergraduates, a change from previous years due to financial reasons). Residents of any country are eligible to apply, but the application must be in English or translated […]

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Harriet Fitzgerald Scholarship

The Harriet Fitzgerald Scholarship in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to a woman who will begin attending an undergraduate women’s college in the United States or Canada in the Fall term.

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