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Oslo International Summer School Scholarship

This scholarship is open to any applicants between the ages of 17-26 who are current members of Sons of Norway or children or grandchildren of current Sons of Norway members and to those who have applied to the Oslo International Summer School (proof of enrollment will be required prior to final awards if you have […]

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Owen F. Aldis Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be students who have not yet formally received their doctorate at the time of the application deadline. They may be from any academic discipline related to human ethology. Awards are made for amounts up to US$8000. The award is to pay for documented, legitimate research costs (e.g., equipment, supplies, books, computer software).

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Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Applicants who have completed their Ph. D. may receive a four-month fellowship to pursue advanced research or revise research for publication. Stipend: up to $16,800.

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Prairie Baseball Academy Scholarships

Scholarships of between CAN$1000 to $2000 reward athletic and academic excellence of Alberta baseball players, and provides an incentive and means for these players to continue with their post-secondary education. Must be Alberta residents and enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in Alberta. Applicants must be a participant in the Prairie Baseball Academy and must […]

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Predoctoral Fellowship in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Renewable award for U.S. citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in APA-accredited doctoral program in psychology. Must be ethnic minority underrepresented in field or show commitment to career in psychology related to ethnic minority populations. It is not required for applicants to identify as ethnic minorities; however, African-Americans, Alaska Natives, American Indians, Asian-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native […]

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R and E Foundation Research Seed Grant

The grant enables young investigators to gain experience in defining objectives and testing hypotheses before they apply for major grants from corporations, foundations, and governmental agencies. Research must be related to radiological sciences. Applications are accepted from individuals throughout the world. Applicants must hold a full-time faculty position in a department of radiology, radiation oncology, […]

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Radiological Society of North America Research Resident/Fellow Grant

Provides research opportunities for young investigators not yet professionally established in the radiological sciences to gain further insight into scientific investigation and develop competence in research techniques and methods. Applicants must be residents or fellows in a department of radiology, radiation oncology or nuclear medicine. Grant amounts $30,000 for a 1-year Research Resident project or […]

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Radiological Society of North America Research Scholar Grant

Supports junior faculty members who have completed the conventional resident/fellowship training programs but have not yet been recognized as independent investigators. Research must be related to radiological sciences. Applicants must hold a full-time, faculty position in a department of radiology, radiation oncology, or nuclear medicine.

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Raymond H. Fuller, PE Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship of $1000 to graduating high school seniors who will enter their freshman year in college the next fall. Recipients must be accepted for enrollment in an engineering program at an Ohio college or university. Must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA. Must be a U.S. citizen and permanent resident of Ohio. Consideration will be […]

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Scholarship for Disabled Veterans

The Law Offices of David A. Black has announced the establishment of a scholarship for disabled veterans. This is a scholarship that will assist in the payment of tuition to the educational institution chosen by the successful applicant. The scholarship is in the form of tuition assistance at a college or university, junior college, trade […]

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