Ramapo High School Curated Scholarship List

This scholarship list was created specifically for the students of Ramapo High School, located in Bergen County New Jersey.

Ramapo High School: The List

Name: Bergen County American Legion – Gene Howell/Don Holmes Scholarship

Amount: ~$2,000

Deadline: March 15

Eligibility: Open to high school seniors in Bergen County who are the children or grandchildren of American Legion members

URL: https://bcnjal.org/scholarships/


Name: 200 Club of Bergen County Affiliation Scholarship

Amount: ~$5,000

Deadline: June 9

Eligibility: Open to graduating high school seniors. The student must be the child or stepchild of an active, retired or deceased Bergen County law enforcement officer, firefighter, or ambulance corps member.

URL: https://200club.org/scholarship-program/


Name: Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship (by Access Scholarships!)

Amount: $1,000

Deadline: Quarterly

Eligibility: Open to all high school students.

URL: https://accessscholarships.com/1k-too-cool-to-pay-for-school


Name: Connections for the Future Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

Deadline: mid-March

Eligibility: Open to graduating public school seniors with disabilities from Bergen, Passaic, Hudson, Essex, Morris, Somerset, Union, Warren, or Sussex County

URL: https://specialeducationalliancenj.org/alliance-scholarships/#connections_scholarship


Name: Maurice M. Williams Scholarship

Amount: Varies

Deadline: March 5

Eligibility: Open to high school seniors in good academic standing who are residents of Somerset or Middlesex County. Must be a minority student with demonstrated financial need. Min 2.5 GPA

URL: http://www.pearlsincnj.org/scholarships.html


Name: Kevin J. Duffy Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

Amount: $500 - $1,000

Deadline: April 21

Eligibility: Open to Bergen County high school seniors

URL: https://www.bergencountyirish.org/essay-contest


Name: NJ Stars Award

Amount: Full-tuition for up to 5 semesters

Deadline: Varies

Eligibility: Open to New Jersey residents, who rank in the top 15.0% of their class at the end of either junior or senior year of high school. Students must enroll full-time in a degree program at their home county college.

URL: https://bergen.edu/new-students/nj-stars/how-to-apply-to-the-nj-stars-program/


Name: Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship for Women & Minorities

Amount: $2,000 – full tuition

Deadline: Varies (Dec 1, June 1)

Eligibility: Open to women and minority students pursuing a certificate or degree program in a construction-related field at one of New Jersey’s 19 county colleges, county vocational-technical schools or proprietary trade schools.

URL: https://www.hesaa.org/Pages/NJGrantsApplications.aspx


Name: New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid for NJ Dreamers

Amount: Varies

Deadline: Varies

Eligibility: Open to students who attended a NJ high school for at least 3 years, received a high school diploma in NJ, and are not US citizens

URL: https://www.hesaa.org/Documents/NJAltAPPQnA.pdf


Name: Oakland Franklin Lakes Rotary Club Scholarships

Amount: N/A

Deadline: N/A

Eligibility: Open to Ramapo high school and Indian Hills high school seniors – contact the club for more info.

URL: https://oflrotary.org/


Name: Louis Bay II Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

Deadline: April 2

Eligibility: Open to NJ high school juniors and seniors who have a demonstrated interest in being a part of the municipal government

URL: https://www.njlm.org/274/Louis-Bay-II-Future-Municipal-Leaders-Sc


Name: Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce Scholarships

Amount: $1,000 - $2,000

Deadline: April 23

Eligibility: Must be a high school senior and Wyckoff resident

URL: https://wyckoffchamber.com/scholarship-app-2021/


Name: FLOW Follies Scholarships (multiple)

Amount: up to $2,500

Deadline: May 1

Eligibility: Must be a graduating high school senior in the FLOW area. Some, but not all, scholarships require active FLOW membership throughout high school career.

URL: http://flowfollies.org/scholarships/


Name: National Council of Jewish Women Bergen County Scholarships

Amount: $1,000

Deadline: April 26

Eligibility: Must be a graduating high school senior of Jewish faith who has been accepted to a four-year college or university and has played a significant role in school and/or community activities.

URL: https://www.ncjwbcs.org/advocacy-education/scholarships/


Name: Janet Logan Daily Foundation Scholarship

Amount: $10,000

Deadline: April 1

Eligibility: Open to graduating high school seniors in NJ. Students must have worked an average of 30 hours per week during the summer since age 16, actively participate in at least one extracurricular activity, and have a min 2.5 GPA.

URL: https://janetlogandailyfoundation.org/start


Name: NJ Educational Opportunity Fund

Amount: $200 - $2,650

Deadline: Varies

Eligibility: Open to students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds who attend participating institutions of higher education in the State of New Jersey.

URL: https://www.nj.gov/highereducation/EOF/EOF_Eligibility.shtml


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