Veterans for Peace Scholarship

🏆 Available: 1
💰 $1,000
⏳ Rolling

Last year this scholarship received 3 applicant(s). $1,000 was awarded to 3 applicant(s).

Scholarship Description

It is our intent to award a Michigan resident or someone enrolled in a Michigan institute of higher education, who will pursue studies in a Peace Studies program or another program that actively promotes the study of global conflict resolution or issues of peace and justice, a scholarship ranging from $250 to $5000.

You do not need to be a military veteran to apply for the scholarship. It is our hope that the recipient will align their studies with the principles of the Veterans For Peace and propagate the message of peace well beyond their educational endeavors.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Type of institution award is open to: four-year college
  • Award is available to U.S. citizens

Application Requirements

  • Application form required
  • Essay required
  • Special requirements exist (These are specified in text.)
  • Resume Required
  • Proof of enrollment

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: Veterans for Peace-Chapter 93

An organization aimed at promoting Peace throughout the world. Though started by Veterans, one does not have to be a veteran to be member nor to apply for scholarship, but it aimed at students in one way or another connected to Michigan.
