NACADA Global Awards

🏆 Available: 1
💰 $500
⏳ 03/14

Scholarship Description

The Student Research Awards annually recognize research conducted during a Master’s, Ed.D., or Ph.D. program that significantly adds to the body of knowledge on academic advising. A check for $500.00 and a plaque may be awarded in each category at the Annual Conference in fall. The Student Research Award may be awarded annually in 2 categories: Master’s Degree Level; Doctoral Degree Level

Eligibility Requirements

  • Type of institution award is open to: four-year college

Application Requirements

  • Application form required

How To Apply

Online Email

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Donor: NACADA: The Global Network for Academic Advising

NACADA promotes and supports quality academic advising in institutions of higher education to enhance the educational development of students. NACADA provides a forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of ideas pertaining to academic advising through numerous activities and publications. NACADA also serves as an advocate for effective academic advising by providing a Consulting and Speaker Service and funding for Research related to academic advising.
